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I walk towards the lake. It's the only place I can go. The base has to many memories. As I walk, I begin to feel the sadness dissolve and replaced by a new emotion. Emptiness. I feel empty inside. The rage and sadness now feel so impossible. But this... this is worse. This is so much worse than sadness. Then anger. I hate being empty. I hate being hollow. I hate it. I sit down next to the lake. The waters surfes only interrupted by the rain. I see myself. The reflection shows every detail of my face. My blonde hair that's has now turned brown due to the rain. My once darker skin has become pale. My grey eyes full of tears. I look at my reflection for a long time or it feels like a long time. It feels like forever. It was probably only a few seconds. I splash some water in my face. Thank God I got that filter for water. I finally feel how cold it his. Its not just cold its freezing.

I hold my arms around me to shield me from the cold. I slowly walk back to the base. The wet clothes cling to my body. Each step I take feels heavier than the last. I can't shake the feeling of being hollow. Like there is nothing inside me. Like I'm just an empty vessel. Like I'm not really there. Like I'm lost in the mist with nowhere to go. Nowhere to stay. I wish I could stay back by the lake, but it's too cold for that. I wish I could feel his warmth. Sam's arms around me, shielding me from everything harmful. Now that safety is gone. That feeling of protection isn't here. I wish I could stay at the lake. Its water forming into gentle patterns. I wish I could sink to the bottom like my water bottle. Wish I could stay there for all eternity. No one to disturb my slumber. And I would stay down there. And I would sleep. I would forget. I would wake. I would sleep again. And forget. I would forget everything bad. Seems scary at first but now. Now in this situation it feels nice. The lake protecting me like Sam once did. But he's gone. And I'm still human. I can't survive down there no matter how much I want to. I need to get out. get out of here no matter what. 

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