Summertime Sadness - maxiel

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Max and Daniel were an inseparable couple. They have known each other for so long that it was imaginable for Max to imagine himself without him, they spent every summer together and were together every day, creating unforgettable memories.

But last summer, things took a different turn. They realized that their relationship was no longer working, Daniel no longer feeling fulfilled as before, they decided to separate.

For Max, this breakup was particularly difficult. He felt alone and lost without Daniel by his side. Throughout the summer, he thought about all the happy times they had shared together, regretting the end of their relationship and wondering what he could have done wrong.

He tried to distract himself by spending time with his friends and indulging in his passions, but he couldn't stop thinking about Daniel. He felt empty without him and had difficulty planning for the future without his presence.

Max spent a lot of time thinking about their relationship. He remembered the highlights they had shared together, like the podiums, their time at Red Bull as a teammate, the romantic evenings under the stars and the spontaneous adventures. Every time he walked through the places they used to frequent together, the memories resurfaced. He remembered the laughter, the deep conversations and the tender gestures. These memories made him smile, but at the same time, they reminded him of what he had lost.
The long sunny days and balmy evenings reminded him of the times they held hands while walking along the beach. Max remembered the feeling of the warm sand beneath his feet and the light breeze caressing his face. He missed these moments of complicity greatly.

There were also days when Max felt particularly alone. Evenings spent watching sunsets had become silent and empty. He wondered if Daniel thought of him too and if he missed him as much as he missed him.

As the summer progressed, Max began to accept the reality of their separation. He realized he had to rebuild himself and focus on his own happiness. Although the memories of their relationship remain precious and he will love him forever, he realized it was time to move on.

Of course, there were still times when he felt alone, or he felt pain while seeing Daniel in the paddock, but little by little, he began to realize that he was capable of finding happiness and fulfillment outside of one's past relationship.

Ultimately, Max managed to overcome this difficult period and regain his zest for life. He learned to know himself more and to focus on his own goals and focused more on his career with the sole objective of winning his fourth championship. After all the good thing have a end.

That all for this chapter hope you like it 💕

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