Dis-moi que tu m'aimes - Piarles

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Charles and Pierre were always close, they know each other by heart. But over time, Charles realized that he had deeper feelings for Pierre.

However, he didn't know how to talk to him about it, for fear of ruin their friendship, and especially Pierre was in a relationship with another of his friends Yuki.

One day, while they were at a party, Charles had drunk a lot and found himself alone with Pierre. All he can think about was his lips against Pierre's.

Charles gathered all his courage and said to Pierre: "Pierre, I have to tell you something important. I know we are friends since god know how long, but I can di this anymore.  I am in love with you, and I think we could be more than friends, please Dis-moi que tu m'aimes."

Pierre was surprised by this revelation, not suspecting for a second of Charles' feelings.

After a moment of thought, Pierre replied: "Ooh Charlie, I am touched by your words, and I am grateful to have a friend as special as you. However, I do not feel the same way as you. I care very much to our friendship, and I don't want to ruin it by exploring a romantic relationship, and I really love Yuki."

Charles realizing what he had just said and Pierre's response felt tears welling up in his eyes. What he was thinking ? And before Pierre could even say anything he left, leaving his old best friend alone.

He didn't love him back

Once again he had just lost someone dear to him.

Ends for this little chapter, a little sad. I hope you liked it and let me know if you want a part 2 💕

*tell me you love me

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