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It had been a couple of weeks since the party, and during that time, Junkyu and Minji eventually got closer, because him and Jinhee were attending the same classes and they usually went to eat together during lunch time. Jinhee was relieved that Jihoon had a different schedule and couldn't join them. They didn't get along even after many attempts of Junkyu to persuade Jinhee that Jihoon is not that bad.

Despite both Jinhee and Jihoon visiting the music room, their schedules never aligned, and they never crossed paths there. Since the music room was typically locked, they had to collect the key from reception to gain access and return it once they were finished.


Jihoon's pov

Classes are finally over so I went straight to the music room. I'm so glad nobody actually uses it. However, upon reaching the reception to pick up the key, the security guard informed me it had already been taken. What the hell? or.. Who the hell?

Confused, I went to check on who occupied this place before me, but when i was getting closer I noticed the door was slightly ajar, and the sound of a delicate piano melody drifted out. Curious, I peered inside and spotted a girl with her back to me, her fingers gracefully dancing across the piano keys.

I entered the room quietly, my attention fully captured by the enchanting melody being played. The song was unfamiliar to me, stirring my curiosity. Perhaps I can ask her for the name?

Approaching the girl from behind, I patiently waited for her to finish playing. When she finally did, I asked,

"Mind sharing the title of the song?"

She flinched a bit and let out a startled gasp. It dawned on me that sneaking up on her had not been the best idea, but I couldn't bear the thought of interrupting midway, because I liked the song, and I've never heard it before, which ignited my interest in letting her finish and listening to it till the end. I was eager to hear her response. But when she turned to face me, it was my turn to let out a surprised gasp.

"Oh gosh, you scared me," she exclaimed. "Why did you sneak in so quietly? And what are you even doing here?" Jinhee bombarded me with questions as I tried to process what had just happened.

"I didn't know it was you. Actually, I didn't even know you come to this place, because I'm here almost all the time, so let me ask, what are YOU doing here?" I responded, puzzled. Did she have some sort of music class assignment, or was the other music room unavailable? What could be the reason for her presence in this old, abandoned music room?

"As you see and, well, heard a moment ago, I'm playing the piano. And also, I've never seen you in this room before, even though I come here every day. So, what's YOUR reason for being here?"

"You come here every day? So do I. At what time? Why haven't we crossed paths before?" I inquired, genuinely curious.

"I used to come at 6, but I started taking one more class, so now I'm coming later, usually at 8."

But that's the exact time I usually come here..

"Well, it seems you need to reschedule your timetable, because I use this room at that exact time. So, leave. Now," I stated firmly. There was no way I was going to let her take away my precious alone time in this room.


3rd person's pov

"Hello? It's not like you own this place. I came first and am not leaving just because you came here acting almighty. Deal with it." Jinhee retorted defiantly.

Jihoon started getting closer to her until she felt her back hitting the piano. The height difference was evident, so Jihoon leaned in closer to match his face level with hers, causing her to hold her breath.

"I see you have some guts to snap back. That's cute" he began. "But, you see, I've been practicing music here since the beginning of the semester, and no one has ever interrupted before. Let's keep that tradition going, shall we?"

He glanced at Jinhee, whose eyes brimmed with hatred and irritation. Although Jihoon wore a smile, it lacked sincerity, conveying his clear displeasure at her presence. He waited for her to say something, but she remained silent.


Jinhee's pov

Does he really think he's on top of the world? Come on, Jinhee, speak up.

Just when I was about to open my mouth, it happened again...



Ah, he must be taken aback. Here's a random fact about me: I start hiccupping when I'm nervous. Like that time in school when I was presenting my project and couldn't stop hiccupping, so the teacher sent me out to get some water and calm down. Or when people I don't know, don't trust, or am afraid of get too close to me, like this jerk in front of me.

"Listen *hiccup*, if you think I'm gonna back off *hiccup*, then you are mistaken", I tried my best to speak properly. "I will keep coming to this room *hiccup* because it has a piano and I want to practice *hiccup*. If you want to be alone *hiccup*, go to the other one, because *hiccup* I'm staying here, and you did not buy this place *hiccup*" I struggled, but finished my sentence before swiftly exiting the room, making sure to bump his shoulder with mine on the way out.

Gosh, this was soo embarrassing!! Starting hiccuping right in front of HIM?? He probably won't take my words seriously, but still, I'm glad I let him know that the world doesn't revolve around him.



"What was that..?" Jihoon's question lingered in the air of the now empty room.

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