The past comes a knockin

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The whole world in that moment stopped as Liena heard what the person on the other end of the phone said.

The school: hello? Ma'am are you still there?
Liena suddenly snapped into reality

Liena: um.. oh yes! Sorry thank you for informing me of this!
Liena says as she hangs up

Aces: you okay hun?

Liena: no Zaxen didn't show up to school

Aces: what? That's not like him he was so excited for his first day of senior year and he never flunked or skipped before, something must have happened i'll go look for him, you call Xander's school and see if he's okay then call the police!

Aces said as he talked himself into panicking

Liena:no i'll look for him you stay here and do the calling.

Before Aces could argue Liena was already walking out the door ready to find her son by any means necessary, while aces was dialing his phone for Xander's school he heard a scratching sound at the door like something wanted in he opened it and there was...a dog?

Meanwhile Zaxen after falling the bridge not being able to support his weight is currently being carried down stream with an injured head as the river continues to carry him down stream he suddenly get's pulled under from the current,
Then a blue hue started to glow from his eyes then the rest of him started to glow as he started to panic and fear of drowning began to overtake him he hit his head on a rock and fell unconscious as the river carried him, eventually out to sea.

Meanwhile back with Liena
She followed her son's usual route then noticed the damage done to the usual path then she did something she wanted to never do nor done in nearly 2 decades but no price is too high when it's for your child her eyes started to glow a purple hue as she retraced her son's steps she followed his echo to an old bridge and noticed it was broken, after putting the pieces together she felt her heart sank before feeling something not a "bad something"
Just a "something" she then hurried home and noticed something about the osi-lily, which serving no purpose than a reminder of everything they wanted to forget so badly became nothing more than house plant, but something was wrong with it

Liena:honey what's wrong with the tree?

Aces: I dunno it was fine this morning?

They both look at it bewildered because the thing that got their attention was that it wasn't glowing it just was a grey dead tree.

As Xander got home he saw his two parents with a sombre expression knowing what had happened he questioned them

Xander: why are you two just sitting there?! My brother is out there somewhere and we have to find him.

Liena: Xander we need you to sit down.

Aces: yes we have a lot we need to talk about

Xander: ...wait where this pug come from?

Aces and Liena exchanged an empty smile

Liena:we're pretty sure it's the same reason our plant died

Aces: son it's time you knew truth about where we really come from

Meanwhile Zaxen is laying on the ocean floor unconscious glowing a blue light

(In Zaxen's mind)
Floating with a red outline around him, he was in a black void, Zaxen looks around and sees nothing he tries to remember what lead up to this and upon doing so assumed he was dead, until he saw it, a pair of massive red eyes looking in his direction but not at him, he attempts to speak but find he can't

Zaxen: (what the hell is this?!)

Then without warning the pair of eyes speak

???: it's only a matter of time now, old "friend"

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