No way home

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Zaxen pov

Okay i'm lost, and am in the middle of nowhere, covered in sand I should probably get up and dust myself off,
But the minute I get up this becomes a problem!

Okay getting up

Zaxen: (alright looking around..... i have no idea where i'm at and see no apparent way home, okay time to ask around and see if i can get my bearings no need to panic! Wow you're so good at rationalizing, thank you me, you're welcome me,okay let's go)

When he got up and looked around he saw his reflection and saw his eyes

Zaxen:( what the hell?! Okay...calm down nothing's wrong, you're eyes just happen to be glowing nothing wrong there at all!! Who am i kidding what the hell is happening to me!? No... no panicking that doesn't help anything, my eyes are blue now they look cool that's that, now where do i get help, it's bittersweet that i left my phone at home, because it wouldn't have survived that whole thing with the river and... being out at sea.)

It was then that Zaxen realized that being out here by himself and not recognizing where he is nor the people nearby recognizing him meant that he was quite far away from home and realized his family are probably worried sick

Zaxen: (oh my god my family!!! They must be so worried! Oh future me i'm so jealous of you right now!! You're past all of this and just relaxing i bet!
Okay calm down let's go and see if i can find somebody who can tell me where i am and/or call the authorities to take me home, god this is quite the first day that of senior year, so much for perfect attendance, hehe.)

Making his way through the nearly barren beach he woke up at he made is way to some kind diner

Zaxen: (oh great a place to get out of the sun!! I'm surprised i don't have sun burn but if i don't then I probably wasn't out there for that long! Okay social anxiety i need you out of the picture for a while, "my name is Zaxen Relinqou and i'm a bit lost can you tell me where i am?" Okay that's what you'll say let's do this!!")

As he makes his way inside he sees there were more people than he was anticipating and he started to feel his anxiety shut him down then he noticed and empty seat in the corner of the building

Zaxen: (OH THANK YOU JESUS, i was about wait outside, okay sit here, wait for the waiter, find out where you are, easy as pie, oh pie's on the house! I just might get some!)

As he sits down he enters his own little world to pass the time as he calms himself by doing this his eyes stop glowing the bluish hue they were earlier lucky for him as he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings, as he was lost in thought the waiter came up to him to take his order

Waiter: "alright sir can I taker your order?"

Zaxen looks on with anxiety

Zaxen: (come on you can do this!!) "uhm yes one of those pies that are on the house i'll take any condition that is required, but before that can you tell me where i am, i came from Baltimore Maryland and I "wandered" here so where am I?"

Now it's the waiter's turn to give a look of confusion

Waiter: sir you're in Tallahassee Florida, did you run away from home?!

Zaxen somehow managed to keep his cool after learning what his current location is

Zaxen: no of course not i drove here visiting family they're in the next state, bow please bring me what i ordered

As the waiter leaves Zaxen reflects on what he heard
Pondering on why it didn't bother him

Zaxen: (i made it to Florida? How long was I missing? Well at least i know where i am now, that's a huge step in the right direction, though why did i lie to the waiter about that? You know what no more thinking in an empty stomach, here comes my food! Yay!)

As the waiter sets down the pie he decides to speak up

Waiter: "will that be all?"

Zaxen: "yes that's it"

Waiter: "all right do you have a credit card or some kind of coupon?"

Zaxen: "what?! It said it was on the house outside!"

Waiter: "that was an event for kids yesterday we forgot to take the sign down and you're clearly too old now how would sir be paying for this dish"

Suddenly zaxen's eyes glow blue with a faint electric bolts covering his arms causing a blast that caused all the windows to shatter, in the moment of shock and panic he fled the diner and hid behind a nearby building

Zaxen:(crap so much for keeping a low profile i just committed vandalism, how in the hell do i get out of
This hotta hide, i was raised to well to be given a criminal record, but back to the matter at hand, what is going on with me?! How did those windows blow up?! Was it me? Of course it was, what else could it have been.)

Zaxen desire to disappear seemed to be satisfied as he suddenly was somewhere else, more specifically a barren road in the middle of nowhere, apparently giving up, he falls over exhausted and mentally burned out in the verge of tears

Zaxen:(let's look at the positives shall we? I've kept my cool, really anyone else would panic, outside spectators would probably even say i'm not normal for how calm i've been taking this but this feels like the last straw, WTF is going on!?!?! What am i?!?!
How do i get home?!?! I just wanna go home! Please let me just wake up in bed ready for school my parents and brother waiting at the table, poking fun at me for sleeping in...)

Zaxen seemed to find comfort in the thought of his family it even put a smile on his face

Zaxen: "they're looking for you, they'll find you, they want to find you, and one day far in the future you'll back on all of this and just laugh it off, i'm sure of it"

Zaxen then Notices a puddle and decides to look at his eyes again

Zaxen:(what caused you to change,huh, everything else about me looks the same, so what gives?)

He then tries to look at his hands and tries to use that same thing that happened in that diner seeing that some kind of electric volts are forming at his finger tips

Zaxen:(damn if this was a different situation i'd be looking at this new change in awe but for now i need to get this... "condition" under control so let's see where this goes)

Meanwhile back at the relinqou residence the two parents and their youngest were at the table eating breakfast worried about their missing family member until suddenly aces and liena held their heads, not in pain but as if they felt something

Xander: what's wrong?! are y'all okay?!

Aces:"yes we're fine we just felt something, something very powerful"

Liena: "it has to be him! It can't be anything else!"

Aces: "you're right but there's something else i felt, a much minor force as well in a different place

Liena: what? Oh yes i felt that to... but where did it come from?!

Back in that lab room the vial that contained zaxen's blood is broken on the floor and not a single drop of blood in sight

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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