Where we really come from

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Xander just looks at his two parents with a look of confusion

Xander: "what do you mean "where we really come from"?"he says sarcastically while doing air quotes

Liena: "son please sit down this will be long and alot to take in."

As Xander sits down he looks onward with a confused expression what in the world could they possibly mean?

Meanwhile back with Zaxen still at the bottom of the ocean,unconscious and unable to do anything while his body rides the current is still stuck in that nightmare

Zaxen looks towards this pair of massive eyes with confusion, what the hell is it talking about? He attempts to speak and question what this thing wants but finds himself unable too which only increases his panicked state further

Zaxen: ("what the hell is this thing talking about, "old friend"? What does it mean i've never met it before?!")

Than it occurs to him what had happened before he wound up here which calms him down a little

Zaxen: ("oh I must be dreaming!! I'll simply wake up before anything happens, phew!")

???: "what's the matter Malakai? Don't you recognize me?"

Before had the chance to be confused by what the thing just said he wakes up on a beach coughing his lungs out as soon as that's over he glances at his surroundings and realized something he is nowhere near anywhere he recognizes,

Zaxen: "...crap..."

Back at the relinqou household they began explaining everything they could in terms their child could hopefully understand

Xander: "so we're not from here?"

Xander says pointing to the ground to symbolize the planet earth as a whole

Aces: "no, we're not, you see billions of miles out in deep space there's a massive pink planet that you and your brother might have seen through his telescope, your mother and I, this is where we're from,"

Xander looks at them with a face full of fascination

While a distant sadness formed in liena's eyes

Liena: "Everyone who was privileged or some Royal figure had a purpose or job of some sort, mine was to grow and become a leader for those who lived on the planet."

Aces: while my job as a royal knight, it was my responsibility to protect the royal family and their secrets, i was assigned to your mother and i followed whatever she said without question

Xander looks on with amazement in his eyes

Xander: "wait are you saying we're?!"

Aces: "yep you're royalty!"

Then the happy mood was strained as aces mentioned their son

Aces: "and being from this planet and having this status is how we know you're brother is okay,"

Xander looks towards his father with a look of confusion

Xander: "well...how does being from outer space or some kind of prince guarantee that he's okay?"

Aces and liena exchange a look and look back at their son as if they just had an inside joke

Liena: "probably because we have magical powers?"

Xander just tenses up and freezes at what he just heard before excitement becomes visible on his face

Xander: "are you serious?!?"

Aces and Liena speak in unison

"Yep we sure do"

Xander: "well what can i do?? Can i fly? Can i lift things that are really heavy? Why don't i feel any different?!"

Liena: "we'll explain it all in the morning sweetheart but for now it's bed time, go brush your teeth and go to sleep."

Xander just looks at her with an annoyed look but soon obeys what his mother said, while he lays in bed, he dreams about the things that are soon to be

Liena and aces are sotting on the porch with the pug that showed up out of no where

Aces: "so you think it's his? He was bound to get one eventually, it was only a matter of time until it happened hun"

Liena: "I know i just wish the situation was different he's out there somewhere lost and probably panick— actually knowing him he's probably just fine probably looking for a way home,

Aces: "yeah he's fine our oldest won't let anything bad happen to himself now about his familiar here, why is it here and not with him?

Liena: your guess is as good as mine honey

Aces: well here's another question why did zaxen's power's activate now and not earlier and why is our sapling dead?

Liena: like i said you're guess is as good as mine

Aces: i thought you deactivated his physiology the day he was born that can't just turn itself back on can it?

Liena: well based on the past few days yes it can

Aces: well got any guesses that are "as good as mine"?

Liena: perhaps his life was in danger? I followed his path with my own magic and saw what happened

Aces: well perhaps that is what happened but why is his familiar here and not with him?

Liena: well that one i have no guess for it should be with him when his magic activated

Aces: well for now let's get some rest hon we'll look for him in the morning

Liena: yes agreed

As the two retire for the night worrying for their son

Somewhere in the middle of nowhere a hospital lab room filled with blood samples comes into view where a certain vial of blood starts glowing, with the name written on the vile "zaxen relinqou"

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