CHAPTER 7 - Reunion:

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Attachment - Violet Cady Potter

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Attachment - Violet Cady Potter

Months had passed since Violet became stuck at the Conjuring.

With the boys, after loosing contact with her, they became worried. Was she okay?

But they were starting their week at the Conjuring, it was time to go.

Cody and Satori began their spelling, spelling a name that made Colby have to sit on the couch.


"Violet? It that who's here?" Satori asked, oblivious.


"Oh my god," Colby covered his mouth with his hand. " did she get here?"

"Maybe she followed you?" Cody offered, but Sam shook his head.

"We haven't spoke to her since July."

They continued spelling.

I got stuck, I was scared.

"Oh, Vi," Colby sighed.

She stared at him in shock. She released a breath and Satori jumped.

Violet glanced to Abigail, who basically gestured that the house was full of energy. The younger spirit looked back to Colby and stepped forward, sitting beside him.

"Vi?" He mumbled, looking beside him. She smiled softly and hugged him tight. He tensed but somehow managed to hug her back.

Abigail awed. Violet glared at her.

"Why is there a ghost glaring at another ghost?" Sam eventually asked.

"I am teasing Violet," Abigail smirked.

"You're so mean to me," Violet whined. "Godsdammit Abigail."

The two ghost hunters laughed, brightening the mood. Violet stood, but grabbed Colby's wrist. She focused for a moment - attaching - before letting go, saluting, and stepped back to Abigail.

"How'd you get stuck here?" They continued the session.

Violet was just glad she saw the boys again.

April speaks:
Hello guys!

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