Fighting a knight

84 6 0

North Sea
2200 hours

-Tobruk POV-

The seas. It's still calm and quiet, but with poor weather and visibility. No enemy detected yet. I look behind and saw the rest are still following. What is going on you ask? Let me remind about it.

Currently, me, Z1, Z2, Z46, Blücher, Deutschland, Graf Spee, Köln and U-522 are doing some sweeping mission. To sweep Royal Navy of course. I open my communication system.

Tobruk : [[ Lebe, anything in front yet? ]]

Z1 : [[ Nothing. Just the sea as you can see. ]]

Tobruk : [[ Really? Okay than. ]]

I turn off the communication system. After half an hour, I detect an aircraft at my radar. I look at it and confirm it was a recon plane.

Blücher : [[ Tobruk, enemy plane detected. Should I engage? ]]

Tobruk : [[ Shoot it. ]]

I look through my ship bridge, and saw a AA missile been fire from Blücher. Moments later, the recon plane disappear from my radar. I than open my communication again.

Tobruk : [[ Köln, active your jammer and stay here with Z46. The rest, follow me to port side. Deploy your ringing. ]]

Köln : [[ Jawhol. ]]

The rest of us deploy our ringing and headed straight towards that direction. After half an hour, my radar detect something. Soon, many ping were detected.

Z1 : Incoming hostile kansen from the west, north and southeast from our position!! It's a trap!!!

Deutschland : F***! Since when!?

Graf Spee : Why our radar didn't detect them earlier?

Tobruk : There is some answers for that but I speculated that they also had radar absorbing material.

Blücher : What!? They also had!?

Tobruk : Just a speculation only. We going south. We evading them.

Z1 : Huh!? Didn't our mission was to kick Royal Navy a**?

Tobruk : First, outnumbered. Second, they surrounded us. Third, I never expected they surround us. Lastly, that. *point a direction*

Deutschland : F***! It's Warspite!!!

Graf Spee : We avoiding her?

Tobruk : If you gave me the option to fight 30 Royal Navy kansen or fight HMS Warspite. I prefer taking the first one.

Z2 : Incoming.

Tobruk : Evasive maneuver!!!

All of us broke formation and started to sail full speed towards south. I look around and counting their number.

Royal Navy kansen
West : 12 kansen
- HMS Warspite
- HMS Valiant
- HMS Howe
- HMS Vanguard
- HMS Dido
- HMS Sirius
- HMS Black Prince
- HMS Liverpool
- HMS Janus
- HMS Jervis
- HMS Nubian
- HMS Ark Royal

North : 7 kansen
- HMS Hood
- HMS Abercrombie
- HMS Edinburg
- HMS Bellona
- HMS Eskimo
- HMS Eagle
- HMS Glorious

Southeast : 15 kansen
- HMS Rodney
- HMS Royal Oak
- HMS Revenge
- HMS Sheffield
- HMS Neptune
- HMS Manchester
- HMS London
- HMS Hunter
- HMS Hardy
- HMS Hero
- HMS Icarus
- HMS Greenville
- HMS Glowworm
- HMS Argus
- HMS Chaser

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