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Nick's POV
I woke up to Charlie's alarm, luckily set at 6am so 2 hours to get into school. I checked my phone, in case something mega important had happened but nothing other than some random notifs from insta etc.

I took a second to admire how cuddly and cute charlie looked in the morning sun before deciding it was best to wake him.

"Char, its 6 sweetheart, we need to get ready for school", I whispered to him, gently twirling his hair in my fingers

He groaned as he slowly woke up. He instantly looked like he regretted opening his eyes but forced a fake smile as he looked up to me

"Fine, but I'm only doing this for you, I hope you know", he joked with a small chuckle

"You're adorable when you're all sleepy and grumpy", I joked back, making him blush slightly. "I've got to go home though, none of my uniform is here"

Charlies smile faded slightly but he whispered an "okay"

"Hey, I'll only be 10 minutes max, I don't think they'd let me in school in my literal pajamas" I said gesturing to my current questionable outfit, laughing lightly.

"Well I happen to think you look adorable, maybe I could convince Mr Lang" he chuckled, before leaning up to kiss me breifly

"Good luck with that!", I replied sarcastically. I slowly wiggled out from the bed, Charlie still reluctant to move and gathered my shoes.

I gave Charlie a kiss on his forehead and told him I'd be back soon, made my way downstairs, trying to avoid any small talk with his parents and left out the door.

Charlie's POV
I know it's really pathetic and needy of me but I didn't want Nick to go, even for 10 seconds, let alone 10 minutes. I sound like a small child but the truth is, Nick, hes everything to me. I didn't want to be without him. When I'm with him, it's like every fiber of my body lets out a sigh. Like they've been holding their breath and they can finally let it go. It's not enough to magic the bad thoughts and feelings away but god, it's heaven in comparison to my usual state of panic and stress.

I managed to pull myself out of bed after about 5 minutes and got dressed for the day. I probably needed a shower but I couldn't bear the thought of seeing my figure unclothed for more than 30 seconds at the moment. Especially not with my newest addition….

I snapped out of it, I needed to be better today. Better than yesterday, but how? Everytime I think I'm getting better I'm not. Why wasnt it working? The therapy, the self help, my brain...

I decided to message Geoff, my therapist, just letting him know what happened. I hadn't seen him in a good few months. He messaged back a few minutes later asking me to come in after school. I really must be on a downward slope if he wants to see me that urgently. But I guess it had been a while since my last self harm episode so I understood.

"Charlie!!?!?!? Come on, you'll be late for school", mum screeched up the stairs.

"I'm coming now!" I shouted back.

There was a lot of shouting in this house. It's what triggered me last night. We got into an argument because my mum had found my uneaten, unopened lunch from that day. In the morning, I had told her I was getting breakfast in school, which I sort of did. I had a bite of Nick's waffle from the school canteen. I really didn't feel like eating yesterday. I just couldn't face it. Things were heating up with mock exams in school and sometimes, all it takes is one comment from someone around you to make you feel crap, out of control.

I had got home and mum had made a huge lasagne for tea and dished up a slab onto my plate. One thing led to another and it ended up with me storming away to the sound of my mum calling me "ungrateful" and "rude" for not eating.

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