Lunch Date

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Nicks POV
The bell for break rang and I couldn't get out of the  classroom door fast enough. I loved break times. Me and Charlie were in separate years so we had no chance to see each other in lessons . I treasured the time I could see him in the day.

I made it to our picnic table to find Tao and Isaac sitting down already. Damn, they moved fast! I said hi and half listened to Tao ramble out this new film he'd seen last night, Isaac deep in his latest book.

After a few minutes, there was still no Charlie. I pulled my phone out to check my messages but nothing at all.

"Hey, um have either of you seen charlie?" I asked, slightly interrupting Tao's film review.

"Urgh you and Charlie, I swear you can't be apart for 30 seconds!" he chuckled, clearly being sarcastic. "Um but no, I've not seen him all day actually, is he even in?"

"Yeah we got the bus in together but he's usually here by now", I replied

"Hmm, maybe he's in the library or he could be speaking to Mr Lang, I know he's been stressing about the mock exams" Isaac explained.

I felt slightly hurt that Charlie hadn't mentioned he'd been struggling with his exams. I knew from experience, even the practice ones are scary so why hadn't he told me he was stressed? I made a mental note to talk to him about this. I bet it was in his mind as well as everything else last night.

"Hmm I'll text him", I didn't want to panic but I could feel the pit in my stomach getting bigger.

I pulled out my phone, sending a message to him

'Hey Char, just checking if you're okay? I'm out at the picnic tables with Tao and Isaac. I can come and find you if you wanna chill elsewhere?'

It sent. After 5 minutes there was still no reply…

Charlie's POV
When the bell rang for break, I dragged myself from my seat and as if I was being directed in a video game, I found myself in the corner of Mr Ajayi's classroom. He wasn't in there, no one was, thankfully

I settled in my corner, not even fully realizing why and how I'd got there.

My phone pinged, probably Nick. I was shocked when I opened my phone. It was a text from my mum.

J: 'Hi Charlie, I just wanted to apologize. I find these sorts of things really difficult to understand. Part of me just doesn't get why you wont eat. It's frustrating but I know it's even worse for you. I shouldn't have yelled at you. I'm sorry.

Also, I know Nick spent the night. I don't like these sorts of things so please don't try and make it a regular thing. It was Tori who talked to me. She said you needed Nick. and I saw the bandage on your arm. I thought you were getting better but realize I don't think I'm making that easy for you. I'll try better to understand.'

I text her back.

C: 'Hi Mum, thank you for saying sorry. I'm sorry I can't eat all the time. Things just get on top of me. I'm going to see Geoff tonight after school. I think I need it.'

J: 'That's great Charlie, if you want, I'll pick you up from school and take you'

C: 'Thanks mum, my appointments at 3:30'

I was still taken back a bit. My mum rarely apologized to me. Maybe she thought it was a particularly bad argument. Or maybe it was the fact she clearly knew I hurt myself again.

I didn't see the text from Nick come through until after the bell rang and Mr Ajayi came in to teach his lesson.

"Charlie, phone away please, you know the rules, off to your lesson as well please", he said as soon as he saw me

Nick and Char- A Heartstopper FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now