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A/N: This chapter is another smut one so please skip if you dont want to read. There's a note when it starts so feel free to read the first part if you want

Nick's POV

We had a beautiful time. The sun came out later on and we basked in it, chatting, eating, kissing. Just me and my Char, well and Nellie. She had been so patient with us and so I may have snuck her some cocktail sausages as a thankyou. It got to around 3pm and we decided it'd be best to pack up. 

I was so proud of Charlie. He ate so much! Not in a bad way at all, but I was so happy for him. It was more than I had seen him eat even at dinner the night before. I kissed him softly as we got back into the car and I rested my hand on his thigh as we drove. I watched the sunlight dance around on his figure, and his hands stayed still clutching onto his new stuffed animal. 

When we pulled back up to mine, I asked if he'd like to stay around mine for another night. I knew my mum wouldn't mind at all but as Charlie's mum was stricter, he sent her a text asking.

C: Hey mum! I've had an incredible day with Nick. Would it be okay if I stayed at his place tonight? I promise I'll make sure to eat and Sarah said it's fine x

J: I'm glad you've had a good day Charlie. You can stay at Nick’s tonight but remember, we're going out to see Grandma tomorrow at 12 so don't be late back

C: Thank you! I'll be back for then x

Charlie smiled at his phone and showed me the text as soon as she said yes. I was sort of hoping we could have spent all day together tomorrow as well but I did also say I would help my mum with the gardening so it was probably best anyway. 

“Nick?” Charlie asked to get my attention, I looked over to him “I just wanted to say this was one of my favorite days with you. It's not just because of the gifts, but it's because you were there for me and we're both smiling like crazy even now” 

“You're more than welcome Char”, I leant over to kiss him. “I'm so proud of you for everything you've got through this past few days, you deserve the world baby”

I don't think Charlie had ever looked happier than he did at that moment. He was smiling widely and his cheeks were a rosy shade of pink. I gave him one last kiss on his forehead before getting out of the car. Charlie got Nellie out of the back while I got the remains of our picnic from the boot. We headed inside, my mum greeting us both as we got to the kitchen.

“Hello boys, how was it?” she asked smiling at both of us

“It was amazing, you know Sarah, you've raised a pretty perfect son” Charlie said, giggling

“Aww thank you Charlie, I did my best”, my mum replied, giving Charlie a small hug. I admired the relationship between the two of them. My mum could see how great Charlie was from pretty much the first time he came round and I think Charlie loved having a parent figure who was there for him, maybe more than his own family.

“What do you want for tea later?” she continued. I saw Charlie get slightly tense. It wasn't because he didn't want to eat, but he got a bit flustered when someone gave him a big choice like that

“How about a stir fry?” I interjected, saving Charlie from the choice. He looked over to me and smiled slightly as if to say ‘thankyou’

“Sounds good, I’m just going to pop out to the shops. Honestly we don't have much food in the house”, my mum said as she left the kitchen table, taking the car keys from me and heading to the door. I asked her to ask if she could get some stuff for breakfast. Charlie was sometimes quite particular with what he ate, so I wanted to make sure he had some safe choices. By this point, she knew what Charlie liked without even asking. 

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