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Charlie's POV

“Yes! Beat you again”, I said as I passed the finish line yet again in first place. 

“Seriously Char, how are you so good, it's not fair”, Nick whined back

“Maybe I was a small mushroom man in a parallel universe”, I joked, making Nick laugh and fall back on his bed. 

I was honestly feeling a lot better than before. Spending time with Nick just made me happy, and I felt I could just be myself. He's my little light. 

“Do you want to watch a movie?” Nick asked

“Yes but nothing Marvel, pleaseeeee?” I joked

“Okay baby, you pick something, do you want a tea?” he asked, heading downstairs

“Yes please!” 

I picked out Up on Disney and waited for Nick to come back. I snuggled under his duvet, smiling as I wrapped it around me, really for an intense cuddle session.

It was a good 10 minutes before Nick returned, he looked a bit worried when we came back. A smile formed when he saw me, bundled under his duvet

“Right, I think I'm going to have to impose a cuteness ban on you. Otherwise, I might keel over”, he joked, putting the tea’s down carefully and jumping under the covers with me.

He put his arms around me and held me close for a while before letting out a sigh.

“Nick, are you okay?” I asked

“Yeah baby, I was just speaking to my mum and turns out, David’s coming to visit for a few days next week. It's just got me a bit down”, he explained. 

“Oh Nick, that's shit”. I held him closer to me, wanting to try and give him some comfort. “If you want, you're welcome to come round to mine whenever you want. Well, as long as my mums in a good mood”

“Thank you, Char. I'm worried he's just gonna be a dick as usual and start making stupid comments”.

I could sense Nick was getting slightly panicked at the thought and sat up slightly so he could rest himself on my chest. I stroked his hair as we sat in silence for a bit, letting him calm down. Nick gets anxious from time to time but I think it's because he cares so much, for me, for everyone and he doesn't like being picked on. 

“If he is a dick, I’m sure Tori would have no objection to kicking him the balls”, I said, making Nick chuckle slightly

“I'd love to see that”, he said, sitting up to look at me. “Would you mind if I came round yours on Monday after school? That's when he’s planning on getting here. Maybe if I'm not here, mum could have a word with him before he gets a chance to get onto me”

“Of course Nick, you can give me a hand with these stupid exams”

“My pleasure”

We put the film on shortly after and snuggled up, having our teas. Both me and Nick cried 10 minutes in but it's really sad! Towards the end, I could feel my eyes getting heavy which Nick must have noticed. 

“I think we should call it a night baby, It's getting late and otherwise you're gonna fall asleep with tea breath,” He chuckled

We got out of bed, headed to the bathroom to brush our teeth and got back into bed very quickly. It was freezing outside of Nick's bed and both of us wanted to get back to cuddling in bed. Nick wrapped his arms around me and kissed me goodnight. I fell asleep listening to his steady heartbeat, feeling him stroke my cheek until I fell into a blissful sleep. 

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