Chapter 8 Memories

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Disclaimer: I don't own CCs and this is story is AU

Sakura pushes Jin away from Tomoyo and calls someone for help. Sakura is soon surrounded by everyone around her. Jin looks at the crowd area and slips away from them. Sakura turns around to look to see where that scum Jin went. She realized he slipped away. How much longer must he be out in the open and not be punished for hurting her best friend repeatedly.

Security came over to help Sakura to bring Tomoyo to the front of the mall waiting for an ambulance to take Tomoyo to the hospital. She had called Eriol immediately and said that they will be going to the hospital.

When Eriol had received the call he was just about to get out of his car to his home. He had just returned from Syaoran's apartment. His heart dropped when he heard from Sakura that Tomoyo was endangered again and Jin was the cause of her fainting again. Eriol clenches his fist in fury. He wasn't there again to help protect her again. He turns his car on and turns to the hospital that Sakura told him they were headed towards.

Sakura arrived with Tomoyo at the hospital. The doctor checks everything to see what is wrong with her. Sakura is waiting for his check up. He turns to Sakura and tells her that she just fainted from too much shock and fear.

Sakura sighs in relief. Suddenly, the door to the room was slammed open. Eriol was heaving and breathing hard. He runs to Tomoyo and wants to grab her hands but stops himself. He thought to himself, "she doesn't remember you. But even so, we are just friends."

"Eriol, are you okay?" Sakura asked him as he broke out from his trance. He continues to look at Tomoyo with concern. He never felt this way about his friends. He and Tomoyo had been talking more often and he could not but help himself from liking her so much. Eriol punches the wall in frustration.

"ERIOL!" Sakura exclaimed in shock. She didn't know he would hurt himself.

"I'm sorry Sakura. I wasn't able to protect her." He said guilty.

"Eriol," Sakura said softly, "You didn't know this would happen."

Eriol closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "How is she?" he asked.

Sakura spoke to him, "She will be okay. She just fainted from shock."

Eriol paused for a moment and asked, "What happened?"

Sakura paused and looked at Eriol, "Jin was at the mall and we ran into him. I thought it was too awkward and Tomoyo didn't look so well. She told me she had a headache and I was worried. I just left for a moment and when I came back I saw Tomoyo push Jin away from her. By the time I reached her, Tomoyo had fainted." Sakura explained.

Eriol clenches his fist again. He had just punched a wall but he didn't feel pain. He just felt anger get a hold of him.

They heard someone moving around in the bed. They saw Tomoyo opening her eyes slowly and staring at them.

Sakura and Eriol rushed to her bed. Sakura grabs Tomoyo's hand and says, "Tomoyo! I have been so worried about you." Sakura cried.

Tomoyo gives Sakura a small smile and says, "I'm okay. I just have a headache."

Eriol and Sakura sigh in relief. They were shocked when Tomoyo spoke again.

"Sakura. I remember everything." She said softly and a tear slipped from her eyes. She shuts her eyes to remember the tortuous moment with Jin at the party. She didn't want to remember that night. She was happy not to remember that night.

Sakura started to cry with Tomoyo. "I'm so sorry Tomoyo!"

Eriol let the girls cry for a few minutes and asked, "Okay. Everything is fine now. Tomoyo are you scared of Jin?"

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