Chapter 9: Dinner Party

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Disclaimer: I don't own CCs and this is story is AU

Sakura was getting dressed at Tomoyo's house. Tomoyo could feel the nerves in herself but when it came dressing up Sakura, she forgot her nerves.

"Sakura, you look so beautiful!" Tomoyo exclaimed.

Sakura could see Tomoyo's eyes glisten and was very happy. Sakura hugs Tomoyo and says softly, "Thank you Tomoyo for being a dear friend to me"

Tomoyo pats her back, and replies, "You don't need to thank me Sakura. We are friends."

They laugh and finish getting ready. Sakura was in a very good high mood. She felt like nothing could tear her down. Eriol came to pick them up from Tomoyo's house. They had arrived at Eriol's house. It looked big and grand. Sakura mouth slightly from how grand the house looked.

"Sakura, if you open your mouth any more you might drool." Tomoyo teased.

Sakura closed her mouth immediately and felt really embarrassed. Eriol and Tomoyo laughed at Sakura's cute expression.

"Eriol, you do have a lovely home." Tomoyo said with admiration.

Eriol looks around and chuckles. "My home is really grand. But it misses the peculiar homey feeling like Sakura's home." he said.

Sakura thought about it and did think her home was really homey. But she didn't think living in a bigger house was bad either.

They exit the car to enter into Eriol's home. Eriol's parents were sitting in the living room and saw Eriol come in with the two beautiful girls. Eriol's mother got very excited as she had heard from her servants that Eriol had been smiling more and was talking to a girl. They just didn't know who this girl was.

"Welcome. Welcome." his mother said excitedly.

"Hello, Mrs. Hiiragizawa!" Sakura and Tomoyo said cheerfully.

"What beautiful girls! No wonder it took Eriol so long to get here." Jokes Eriol's father.

They all chuckled. There was a doorbell that rang.

Eriol looks at his watch, "I will get the door" he said.

Sakura and Tomoyo just nod their heads.

"May I ask how you two had become friends with Eriol?" asked Eriol's mother.

Sakura and Tomoyo sweat a little from her questions.

Eriol walked towards the entrance of his home to open the door. When he opened the door he saw the back of his cousin waiting for the door to be open.

"Why I didn't think you would make it on time." Eriol said.

Syaoran turns around and looks at Eriol. "I'm sorry. I was shopping earlier." he said brushing off some snow from his coat.

Eriol motions Syaoran to come in. Syaoran takes off his coat and hands it over to the servant. He warms up his hands with his hands and follows Eriol. He looks in the living room and sees his Uncle and Auntie Hiiragizawa.

Syaoran bows and greets"Hello, Uncle and Auntie Hiiragizawa."

He stands up and stares directly at the beautiful emerald eye girl he had been trying to avoid. He was taken aback from her beauty today. She wore a nice emerald dress with her hair loosely tied in a bun. He was speechless and he cleared his throat with a cough.

Sakura had turned around when she had heard someone's voice. She saw that perverted amber eye guy. She was surprised how nice and clean he looked. He kept staring at her and made her blush. She heard him cough and looked at him.

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