Chapter 13 Around Town

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Disclaimer: I don't own CCs and this is story is AU

Sakura woke up from her deep slumber and stretched. She had an interesting dream. She had dreamt about being in a forest with cherry blossoms. The petals were falling from the trees and she reached out to catch a petal from the tree. She looked afar in her dream and dreamt of someone by a tree. But the closer you got to that person it was too far from her to reach.

She asks, "Hello! Who are you?"

The person kept their back to her as if they had not heard her. She kept yelling, "Wait for me!"

She started to run towards him, but she didn't get any closer to him.

She woke up from her dream and pondered over what it could be. She shakes her head and looks at her alarm clock.

Her eyes widened as she only had an hour to get ready to meet up with the guys. She jumps out of bed and stumbles over to the bathroom. She takes a deep breath and starts to get ready.

After getting ready and feeling bundled up. She was wearing a white sweater and pink pants. She pulled up her hair in a loose ponytail. She went to grab her coat and purse. She didn't apply any makeup since it was just an outing with friends. She heard a knock on her door.

She opened the door to see that her father was behind the door. He smiled at her.

"Dad, your back?" she said excitedly. She jumped to hug him. She had missed her father a lot since he went on an expedition with his other colleagues.

"Yes, come eat your breakfast. You have a long day." he said, hugging her back. He went down to the dining room to eat his breakfast.

Sakura went down to eat. She looks at her watch and sees it's almost time to go. She ran down the stairs fast and grabbed whatever she could and stuffed it down her throat as fast as she could.

Touya looks at her and mutters, "Monster." as he forks some food into his mouth.

Sakura quickly turns to him and gives him a glare. She wiped her mouth with a napkin when she heard the doorbell ring. Sakura turns and looks at her watch again. She kissed her father goodbye and gave Touya another glare. Touya just looks at her and smiles.

He thought, "She will always be my monster."

Sakura puts on her shoes and answers the door. She opens the door and sees Syaoran. He was leaning on the porch post waiting nonchalantly with his head down. Sakura looks at him and smiles at him. He looked cute just standing there looking like a little boy. Sakura starts to walk towards him.

Syaoran heard footsteps coming his way. He looks up and sees Sakura. He smiled at her and felt his heartbeats fast as she inched closer towards him.

"Hello, Li!" Sakura greeted him.

Syaoran looks away. He thought she looked very beautiful and breathtaking. He noticed she wasn't wearing make up like she had the past few days. Tomoyo had put makeup on her on the other occasions when they met. But when she smiled at him, he started blushing. He remembers kissing in his dream with her. He had to turn away as he was turning into a red tomato from blushing.

"Hi, Kinomoto," he said quickly.

Sakura looks up at him confused. She noticed he was acting more abnormally. She squinted her eyes and stared harder at him.

He gulped. He needed to be normal, he was not behaving like himself. He stood up straight and turned quickly without realizing how close she was peering at him. He was taken back and was falling from the small steps from the porch.

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