Chapter 9: Financial Crisis

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As a couple of weeks passed by, Elton's  behavior grew increasingly erratic. He became more reserved, easily agitated, and began arriving late to the guild in a drunken state, much to the dismay of Guildmaster Altaria and Farfetch'd, who promptly assigned him cleaning duty under Frosslass' watchful eye.

On a particular Sunday, a day of rest for the guild, Elton approached Alex with a nervous demeanor, revealing that they were in deep trouble. Confused and concerned, Alex pressed for an explanation while crossing his paws in the process.

With a heavy sigh, Elton confessed that he had squandered all of Team Awesome's money due to his reckless behavior and a disastrous bet. Alex's jaw dropped in disbelief as Elton revealed that they were bankrupt, their funds depleted by his late-night escapades and irresponsible attitude.

Caught between anger and despair, Alex struggled to process the gravity of their situation. However, Elton's revelations didn't end there. He hastily added that they were placed on a month-long suspension from missions and were expected to provide their own food, further compounding their woes.

Frustration boiled within Alex as he berated Elton for his reckless actions. How were they supposed to survive without money for essentials like food and supplies? As Alex paced the room in agitation, Elton attempted to calm him down, but his efforts fell short against Alex's mounting anxiety.

Realizing the dire implications of their financial predicament, Alex knew they had no choice but to find alternative sources of income. They couldn't afford to idle away a month without funds.

However, before they could delve further into their predicament, Alex demanded to know the details of the reckless bet that had led to their downfall. With a solemn expression, Elton averted his gaze, the weight of his actions weighing heavily upon him as he struggled to recall the ill-fated wager.


In the dimly lit bar of Treasure Town, the clinking of glasses and murmurs of conversation filled the air as Elton sat at the counter, steadily depleting cup after cup of beer. He shook his head, trying to dispel the thoughts that lingered in his mind, but the beer only seemed to exacerbate his turmoil.

"Forget…! Come on beer, do your job…!" Elton stated with anger.

Above him, a television displayed a soccer game, the fervent cheers of a Cinderace fan echoing through the bar. Elton scoffed at the display of enthusiasm, muttering disdainfully about the worthlessness of the Cinderace's favorite team as he nursed his drink.

"That team is as worthless as a Slakoth!" Elton said, clenching his fists.

The Cinderace, offended by Elton's remark, retaliated with equal fervor, sparking a heated exchange between the two. Tempers flared as insults were exchanged, each Pokémon refusing to back down from the verbal sparring match.

In a moment of impulsivity fueled by alcohol, the Cinderace proposed a reckless bet. If his team emerged victorious, Elton would relinquish all of his money, but if his team lost, the Cinderace would do the same. In his intoxicated state, Elton saw the bet as an opportunity to prove his point and eagerly accepted, oblivious to the consequences.

With the eyes of the bar patrons and the bartender as witnesses, the bet was sealed, the stakes dangerously high. Yet, as fate would have it, the Cinderace's team emerged triumphant, leaving Elton to face the sobering reality of his actions.

In the harsh light of sobriety, Elton realized the magnitude of his mistake, the weight of his reckless bet crushing him with remorse. Despite the punishment meted out by Guildmaster Altaria, nothing could compare to the self-inflicted consequences of his folly.

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