...Daisys gone.

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I feel sick. I feel awfully death-like in the worst way. I don't even know how I am writing this mid sobs. I don't think it is a process-able situation...
Everything was fine, we were safe (the usual kind of safe which a lot of people would consider unsafe for a bunch of 15 year-old detectives-though most don't know that last part). ...but then that monster stole hazels sister May and threatened to hurt her (May was being awfully brave while dangerously stupid though I think) and then Hazel tried to do something but Daisy... Daisy leaped at that... murderer and in a horridly terrifying way and they ended up in the water and Daisy.. I thought she could swim but Hep- the ugly-hearted person, dragged her around underwater or something (it was all a vile blur that I don't want to remember) and Daisy didn't come back up. She didn't look up out of the water with her shiny blue eyes to tell me it was all ok. That she was ok. Because she probably isn't. I don't even know if she is! But Daisy would have liked if I sticked to the probability that she was gone.
Although she may have stubbornly ignored that too for just a glimpse of optimism.
Surely it was just a terrible nightmare and she's playing a stupid game or something and I'll wake up in the midst of our investigation and it'll be fine. Why can't it just be a dream? I just want to see her gorgeous face and majestic golden curls bouncing around her enthusiastic self once again.
God it's not like fawning over her will bring her back. For all I know she is being eaten by a sick reptilian and there's nothing I can do about it. Daisy is gone. And it hurts so much to say that but it- it must be true. even when my entire being wishes it wasn't.

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