My sorrowful rant (part 1 probably)

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Well I'm back now after yesterday. I wish yesterday never happened. When I wrote that last part it took me hours to write... everything. At least it was something to do when I couldn't sleep and be reminded of that real nightmare. Each time I wrote about that situation my blubbering sobbing would reappear. Clementine would tell me that it's ok and I should stop crying, but it's not ok. She never understood why I wanted to be around Daisy. Clementine only ever saw a dorm rival but Daisy is so much more than a petty dorm feud. The memory of her is so much more than that. Clementine will never understand how much I love her. I wouldn't doubt if she had a hatred for the thing. Really most do. Especially when she mentioned early 4th year where someone died and secrets came out and I'm sure she laughed grossly about some of them.
Maybe Daisy and I's separation is what we get for being "sinful lovers"...
But I need to exist in spite of what everyone else thinks. Daisy died a hero. I just wish she could've stayed alive to bask in her heroic glory as she always does.
I miss her over the top ego and sarcastic remarks. I miss her.. I miss her so much.
Great, the tears are back. I'll write later maybe.

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