Arc 1, Chapter 1 - The man known as 'Patrick Doherty'

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-What the fuck?

Looking around at the luxurious green fields, and clear blue sky, those were the only words he could think of.

He was an average looking old man, bearing a complexion of both brown and grey in his hair. Also befitting him, was clothes he usually wore when he was heading out, so they were nothing special.

"Am I in fucking...  France, or something? I must of hit my head really fucking hard  to end up here. There's fucking nothing...  ah here..."

The man known as Paddy, or even better known as Patrick Doherty hadn't really left his home country of Ireland that much. He wasn't really a man for holidays abroad, so he assumed that he had ended up in a completely different country, somehow. He wouldn't be as proficient in knowing countries and their customs.

"Well it's definitely not Ireland, that's for sure! It would be fucking raining otherwise, huhu!"

Around him was nothing but empty fields, upon empty fields. There was also towering mountains in the distance, but they would probably take a while to get to. Judging from the snow on top of them, or the fact there were mountains there at all, made him recall his previous judgement.

"Sure, France isn't known for its mountains or snow, is it? The only thing I can think of is that big ass tower! Maybe it does have mountains...  lad, I have no clue."

Looking to his left...


Well, he was right beside a dirt road. He couldn't see anything at the end of it.

To the right...

"Is that a bleedin' car? I would have brought my glasses if I knew I was going to end up on a fucking two week holiday overseas! Haha!"

Before his eyes, was a carriage approaching from the distance. 

"Don't tell me I'm stuck in one of those poor countries... ah lad... what the fuck!"

The carriage grew closer to him, and he could clearly see the two horses pulling it, alongside the...

"What am I looking at..?"

On the front of the carriage, was a figure Paddy could only describe as 'scale-like', as what looked to be a giant lizard was sitting atop it.

"Hey, you!"

"Yeah, what do you want?"

"What are you possibly doing in the middle of these plains by yourself, old man'?"

"I... I wouldn't be able to tell you myself, I just woke up here! Fucking load of shite, so it is!"

"Right, come with me."

Paddy looked at the figure intently.

"I'll think I'll pass on that one, but thanks for the offer lad-"

"It seems you didn't hear me. Come with me."

To add to the already silly situation he was in, Paddy was now being held at... knifepoint? No, that doesn't sound right. The man wearing scales all over himself was holding a knife, or rather, some sort of blade or dagger at him. 

"Ah, piss."

Paddy had found himself in this new world, and more importantly, found himself kidnapped.

Patrick Doherty had lived a total of fifty-seven years, and to describe his life would probably take longer.

Nigga LampTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon