Arc 1, Chapter 3 - The Irishman, The Rodent, and the Embodiment of Pride

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The capital of which he was currently in could not be described as anything else, but beautiful.

The scale of the place Paddy found himself in was that of a wide scale city. The layout was circular, which of course, was surrounded by accompanying circular walls.

It was as the place was built on a small hill, having the huge church in the middle serve as the most elevated building around, placing its importance within this huge place.

Rows and rows upon buildings were scattered around, with occasional alleyways separating them, in order to allow easy access and fast travel for the citizens.

Paddy: "This is definitely fucking France!"

Large streams ran through the aforementioned capital, with wide enough bridges that allowed for about three carriages, side by side. There was even a few people in gondolas on the streams, which only led to the confusion on where Paddy thought he was at.

Paddy: "..Venice?? Now, I have absolutely no clue!!!"

The Capital of the Holy Kingdom of Taygete, known as Himerus.

Paddy: "Have to give it to them, this place is fucking lovely."

He was amazed at the sights he had before him, the architecture complimented by the bright blue sky, and not a hint of rain was even suggested at by the looks of it. However, the citizens who had gotten used to living there, maintained their mundane expressions for the luxurious place they were in.

Reaching his destination, the church, or better put, a scaled-down castle, was in front of the tired Paddy, having walked from the entrance of the capital, all the way to the center. On top, sat a giant golden bell, that would be sure to capture any eyes present. Going to church was not something he had anticipated doing that day, but he guessed it was a "journey, not destination" situation, so he just went on with it.

Entering the church, he was met with what was normally found inside. Beautiful architecture that would truly be worthy of calling 'holy'. A long aisle with places for people to be seated on both sides of the long red carpet. Except, where an altar would usually reside, instead was a glorious, golden throne.

Paddy: "Even religion over here is crazy! Wha the fuck!"

"Hey, wait your turn man!"

"The King won't appreciate your line cutting."

Paddy, unbeknownst to him, walked up the aisle, completely ignoring the line before he was alerted by the citizens beside him.

Paddy: "Is this some sort of sale? If I'm correct, it's either some sort of fungled cheese, or whatever the French like nowadays."

"A sale!? What are you, completely dense?"

"Thank god I'm not that old."

Suddenly, every went quiet, as the loud banging of a door hitting a wall occurred just behind the throne. From just behind the people, Paddy could make out a golden crown on what seemed to be a blonde head.

"The King will see you now!"

"Finally, about time!"

Paddy had no choice but to await his turn, behind the seven, already awaiting people, for his chance of getting help back home.

"Please, I'm just a single mother trying to pay rent! Is there anything you can do, grand King?!"

"Hmm. How much children?"


"And you ARE in no current relationship, yes?"

"That's right.."

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