3-7: New Things

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Kamari walks down the hall, he's recently started dating Darcy, he misses manny dearly but Darcy might've been the rebound he needed.

She's sweet, beautiful, not as funny as manny but she's a close second, manny on the other hand is going through the same shit she went through in the canon of Degrassi.

Kamari later strolled through the park, his heart torn between excitement and guilt.

Darcy, his new girlfriend, walked beside him, her laughter ringing through the air.

The sun shone brightly, casting a warm glow around them. Yet, Kamari's thoughts kept drifting back to Manny Santos, his ex-girlfriend.

As they settled on a bench, Darcy chattered about her day, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

Kamari forced a smile, trying to focus on her words. But memories of Manny crept in, reminding him of their shared laughter and inside jokes.

Throughout the day, Kamari found himself comparing Darcy to Manny, weighing their differences and similarities.

He felt a pang of guilt for moving on so quickly, even though he had been the one to end their relationship.

As the sun began to set, Kamari finally confided in Darcy about his lingering feelings for Manny.

To his surprise, Darcy listened attentively, her eyes filled with understanding. She reassured him, sharing her own struggles with past relationships.

Together, they talked late into the night, Kamari slowly letting go of the guilt and embracing the present moment with Darcy.

With her support, he found the courage to cherish the memories of his time with Manny while looking forward to a new chapter with Darcy.

In the end, Kamari realized that healing takes time and that it's okay to hold onto the past while moving forward.

With Darcy by his side, he felt grateful for the journey that led him to this moment of peace and acceptance.

Determined to be the best boyfriend for Darcy, Kamari made a conscious effort to show her love and appreciation in every way possible.

He surprised her with small gestures, like bringing her favorite flowers or leaving sweet notes for her to find throughout the day.

Kamari also made sure to actively listen to Darcy, genuinely interested in her thoughts and feelings.

He supported her dreams and aspirations, cheering her on every step of the way.

Whether it was a challenging day at work or a personal struggle, Kamari was there to offer a listening ear and a comforting hug.

Recognizing Darcy's love for adventure, Kamari planned exciting dates and outings, always seeking to create new memories together.

From hiking in the mountains to trying out new restaurants in the city, he made sure their time together was filled with fun and laughter.

Moreover, Kamari was open and vulnerable with Darcy, sharing his fears and insecurities without hesitation.

He valued their communication and worked on building a strong foundation of trust and understanding in their relationship.

As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, Kamari's efforts did not go unnoticed.

Darcy felt cherished and valued, knowing that she had found a partner who was truly committed to being the best boyfriend he could be.

Together, Kamari and Darcy grew closer, their bond deepening with each passing day.

Through his actions and words, Kamari showed Darcy that she was his priority, his love for her shining through in every moment they shared.

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