1st month: Sleep In Arms

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Lute woke up again due to feeling unwell. For the umpteenth time... While the first month was passing, and she and Adam were already waiting for the appearance of their little angel, but right now it was not easy for the expectant mother.

Another bout of nausea subsided, but Lute sighed heavily. She did not get enough sleep at night due to numerous awakenings from indisposition.

Lute carefully placed her palms on her barely rounded stomach, stroking it — in order to calm herself and warm the little life developing under her heart. Above all for her, of course, was the love for her own child. She was already completely devoted to taking care of their baby.

Adam, unable to stand it, woke up with her. Of course, he was annoyed that sometimes he himself happened to wake up because of Lute's lack of sleep. But the same immense love for her, in the end, for their unborn child, overcame his character...

... Adam was sleepy, distracted, but quite pulled Lute into his warm embrace. He softly touched her waist and affectionately stroked her stomach. It was much better for her that way, and she gently ran her palm over his cheek — for loving Lute, Adam was always beautiful (even now, when he was all disheveled after sleep) the embodiment of her ideal — especially now, because she carried a piece of him under her heart. From the pleasant touch to himself, Adam bent down and sweetly kissed Lute's bare shoulder. She smiled wearily.

Adam guessed that nausea was keeping her awake again. Lute nodded in response to his suggestions. He sighed gloomily, but smiled at her. Adam held her in his arms and, although he was weak in support, assured Lute that everything should pass soon. She was grateful to him for the simple words.

After thinking a little about how she would feel even better, Adam took her so that now Lute was lying in his arms — as if she were a little angel. She was warm and cozy as never before... Love filled her heart, and more than that, the charming, tiny creature under her heart. And Lute, in such grace, clinging to her lover, holding her stomach, fell asleep.

Adam was calm now himself and, with his beloved in his arms, fell asleep even sweeter.

Nine Sweet MonthsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora