5th month: Angelic Tenderness

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Adam was playing the guitar — so melodiously, like a lullaby — because he was playing for their baby

Lute, dressed only in an unbuttoned shirt, listened in fascination, but was suddenly distracted by her tummy, which had already rounded. 

— Hey, why aren't you listening? — Adam was indignant... 

... But when he saw how lovingly Lute looked at her stomach, how softly she ran her palms over it, and from her lips came a whisper of «My son», his eyes shone. Adam has never seen his beloved so gentle: she is now an expectant mother, and she is ruled by the greatest, maternal love. Lute very often imagined how their baby would call her «mom», pull his arms to her, and she would hold him to her chest... and Adam was sure that Lute would stop at nothing for her child – and tear anyone for the baby. 

— Just feel it, — Lute put her lover's palms to her stomach. Adam felt his son's energetic, perky thrusts. 

— My little one! — he murmured happily. Their baby responded to the melody that his dad played to him. 

In his joy, Adam exploded, knelt in front of his beloved and passionately kissed her stomach. The baby began to kick even more cheerfully and rested his tiny fists on his mother's tummy – and Adam gently kissed this bump. Lute's eyes shone with tears...

— This is my child, and you are his mother. We are bound to you forever. You are the only one who accepted me for who I am – and soon you will give birth to my child. — Adam warmly brushed away the tears that flowed down the cheeks of his beloved with his fingers – and again sweetly kissed her rounded stomach, wrapping his arms around it. 

— I want more kisses... — Lute smiled – and Adam blissfully kissed and kissed her tummy – exactly where his boy was kicking. Sometimes he pressed his palms pleasantly on the places where the baby rested. Lute, in delight, touched the brown hair of her beloved, having already tousled it. 

Adam stood up and kissed the hollow between her breasts. He eagerly probed his beloved's chest through the thin fabric of her shirt. Adam kissed her on the lips, and Lute just wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him to herself, deepening their kiss, wrapping her legs around her lover's waist. He carefully placed his beloved under him, and his palm slid between her legs. Lute felt a moist warmth in the pit of her stomach. Adam's other hand was touching her neck, and Lute, clutching his hair, kissed her lover even harder. In the fifth month of pregnancy, her desires escalated... And what she wanted most right now was intimacy with him. Adam was absolutely happy to satisfy his beloved in this. 


— Your mom and dad are really waiting for you, baby, — Adam whispered, leaning over his beloved's tummy and caressing it again as they lay naked and tired of physical love, but the happiest. 

— Yes, very much! — Lute repeated, enjoying the way her lover was sweetly kissing her tummy again, and the baby was playfully pushing under her heart.

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