2nd month: The Best Feeling

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There was an argument between the loving angels — all because of the emotional changes in Lute. 

Adam understood this and tried to restrain himself as best he could when arguments began to occur with his beloved. He talked to her irritably, but no more. At first, he was surprised how Lute, who usually agreed with his every word, began to contradict him — and all for nothing. Now Adam got used to it, but, contrary to his character, he terribly disliked it. 

Her behavior also became unpredictable: Lute would get angry from the bright sun, then cry at a touching story, then laugh when she saw him just waking up. Sometimes, when the lovers were walking together in Heaven, when Lute suddenly wanted to, she grabbed her lover tightly by the palm and pressed him to her, surprising with her strength and sharpness. But most of all, Adam was touched by how at the end of the day she climbed into his arms, in a desire for warmth and intimacy — which the angel always gave her.

This argument escalated: Lute suddenly raised her voice at Adam, which just angered him. He threw an insulting word in her direction and, flapping his wings, walked away. There were faint tears in the eyes of the expectant mother, which Adam managed to notice, but Lute quickly covered her face with her hands — she especially did not want to show her emotions right now. He left in silence, and then Lute gave way to tears: resentment and sadness mixed in her — how difficult it was for her to experience such a range of emotions! 

Her crying was quiet, but soon sobs were heard... Adam did not react for a long time, waiting for it to pass by itself. But Love is Stronger — and the one that he loved incredibly carried his direct continuation under her heart. 

His native palms — and Lute stopped crying. Adam softly hugged her waist, kissing her neck affectionately and gently stroking her growing tummy. He did not ask for forgiveness, but showed all his love. Lute smiled charmingly, touching his hands — she carefully pressed them to her stomach so that her beloved and their child would feel the strongest connection with each other. Adam looked at her belly with immense love, stroking it, and smiled brightly. 

Lute turned to him and they kissed passionately. Adam said that he would help her cope with all the changes. Lute did not thank him, but smiled wider — such is the nature of this period! 

She spread her white and black wings and slowly led the angel after her — Adam smiled playfully: so changeable: sometimes she gets offended, then she already longs for his love and touch — but he didn't mind at all. 

Lute lay down, Adam with her. They whispered words of love to each other. Lute stroked her belly warmly, Adam kissed her pleasantly on the lips and, going further along her body with his kisses and touches, assured her that now he would give her the best feeling in the world. 

Lute smiled in anticipation, letting the thin straps of her T-shirt fall off her shoulders. The night of their love is definitely the best for her — especially now, in such a sweet period, when they are waiting for their little angel.

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