Chapter 11: Electivire, The Veiled Threat

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Amidst a heavy storm that raged outside, Elton rushed into Team Awesome's room with a sense of urgency and determination etched on his face. Alex, startled by Elton's sudden entrance and worried expression, immediately sensed that something was amiss.

"Elton, what's wrong?" Alex asked, concern evident in his voice as he noticed the panic in Elton's eyes.

"It's about Electivire," Elton exclaimed, his voice tense with frustration and worry. "The Silver-rank team assigned to track him down still hasn't encountered him! He's still out there, roaming free!"

Alex's eyes widened in shock and concern. The wanted Electivire, the very being that had taken the lives of Elton's parents, was still evading capture. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on both of them.

Despite Elton's previous mistake of gambling away Team Awesome's funds, his determination to confront the killer of his parents hadn't waned. He had been relentlessly trying to convince guildmaster Altaria to assign the mission to Team Awesome, only to be met with rejection each time. The mission, Altaria had sternly explained, was strictly for Silver-rank teams.

As the storm raged outside, Elton poured out the details of the situation to Alex, emphasizing the urgency of the matter. The killer Electivire was still out there, a threat to everyone's safety. 

Alex listened intently to Elton's urgent words, his mind racing with apprehension. The idea of facing a dangerous criminal, especially after their recent financial troubles and the intense pressure from Guildmaster Altaria, filled him with unease.

"Elton, I don't know if we should get involved in this," Alex hesitated, his voice tinged with doubt. "It's a Silver-rank mission, and we're not ready for that level of danger yet..."

Elton, however, refused to back down. He understood Alex's concerns but knew that he couldn't afford to let Electivire roam freely, especially considering the personal vendetta he held against the electric-type Pokemon for taking his parents' lives.

"Alex, I get it. But we can't just stand by and do nothing," Elton insisted, his determination unwavering despite the odds. "We've trained hard, and we're stronger than before! This mission is about justice, not just for me but for all the victims of Electivire's crimes!"

Despite his initial reluctance, Alex couldn't deny the fire in Elton's eyes and the conviction in his words. He knew that Elton was right—they couldn't turn a blind eye to injustice and danger, no matter how daunting the task.

With a sigh, Alex nodded slowly. "Okay, Elton... Let's do this. For justice, and for your parents."

Elton's face lit up with gratitude and determination as they began to prepare for the mission ahead. Despite the challenges and risks, they were united in their resolve to confront Electivire and bring an end to his reign of terror.

They needed to find a way to confront him, even if it meant defying Guildmaster Altaria's orders. The safety of Siril and justice for Elton's parents were at stake.

Elton had overheard a conversation just five minutes ago about a shady figure spotted near Treasure Town, and he couldn't ignore the possibility that it might be Electivire.

Crafting a quick excuse to get out of the underground guild, they began their unauthorized mission. Despite Alex's annoyance at getting wet in the downpour. Elton, however, was unfazed by the rain and thunderbolts that crackled ominously in the sky.

Arriving in Treasure Town, the two began their search, scanning the area for any signs of suspicious activity. Just as they were about to delve deeper into their exploration, a deafening explosion rocked the town, emanating from a house struck by lightning. Fortunately, the house had long been abandoned, sparing any potential victims.

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