32. Trying to Find Happiness

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Diamond's POV: I tried really hard to be happy here. So far everything was fine. I met some really nice people. I have a new friend & babysitter her name is Maria. She is such a sweet person. She's my next door neighbor. Roman told me the do's and don't. He told me where to go and where not to go alone. Maria helped me too. She taught me some of the language. She also showed me where to go shop and other places to go not to far from where we lived. I was so grateful for her.

Roman worked at a company with some new people, he was a business executive. I was pretty much a stay at home mom now. Some days I liked it, some days it bored me. Roman was hanging around these new guys, I didn't like them. Something was very off about them. He would come home at all hours of the night. I talked to my mama and Jasmine daily. I missed them so much.

Sometimes I would sit in the room and cry for hours at a time. I wanted to go back home, I wanted my old life back. I couldn't leave Roman but I wanted too. I really did. One day I started too. I packed all of me and the kids things. Roman came home and found me.

Roman: babe what are you doing?

Me: Roman I wanna go home.

He looked at me then he sat down.

Roman: diamond please don't do this too me.

Me: Roman I don't wanna be here. There is no life for me here. Or my kids.

He looked angry.

Roman: dammit diamond, I'm trying to make a life for you here!! He shouted.

I looked at him.

Me: one don't fuckin yell at me!! Two, how are you making a life for me and our kids here? By leaving us in the house all day? I can't even work. I don't know where to go to even find work. This is not a life. I had a life back in California but you fucked that all up.

He grew angrier.

Roman: really diamond?? So you bring that shit up now?? Yes I know I fucked it up but I've been trying to fix it. I thought as my wife you would understand but I guess not.

Me: oh I understand, I understand a lot. I understand that I can't keep living like this.

Roman: you wanna leave me diamond?

I looked at him.

Roman: do you??

Me: yes, yes I do! I shouted.

He looked at me with tears in his eyes.

Roman: fine, go. Leave me then. He walked out and slammed the door. I sat there and cried. I cried really hard. I started to grab my things, he came back in.

Roman: so you're really going to do this huh?

Me: I wanna go home. I miss my mom and my friend. I miss my life there.

Roman: please, dont leave me. What do you want huh? Tell me what you want me to do? How can I make it better?

I started at him and shook my head.

Me: I don't know Roman.

I sat on the bed, he got on his knees Infront of me.

Roman: diamond please, please don't leave me. I'll do whatever you want just please don't leave and take my kids.

Me: I just don't feel like I belong here. It's so lonely out here, I mean I have the kids and Maria but you're always gone. You come home late, I know you're working but I just miss you that's all. I wanna do something during the day, work somewhere I don't know. I sobbed.

He hugged me.

Roman: okay baby, okay I'll start coming home earlier & maybe we can find you a job working with kids or something. I just don't know baby it's some weird characters here and we already are foreigners to them. We're Americans they have a hard time trusting us. I just wanna make sure you're safe and my babies. That's all.

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