42. The Last Straw or Not?

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Roman's POV: It was 10:30 p.m. and my wife still wasn't home. I stayed up waiting for her. I sat in the living room by the fireplace, drinking bourbon. I tried not to be upset. Alana kept calling the house. I didn't want to talk to her. She definitely has the wrong idea. She thinks that just because I helped her with a project that I'm interested in her romantically but I'm not! I love Diamond she is the only woman for me. I thought to myself "man where the fuck is she"?? Does she not know how late it is? She wasn't even here to tuck the kids or say goodnight to them.

Just then she walked in. I instantly got upset but by the look on her face so was she.

Me: Diamond do you realize what time it is?

She glared at me. She had the most envious and hateful look on her face.

Diamond: I don't give a fuck what time it is!!

I looked at her.

Me: excuse me??

She slammed a envelope on the table. I grabbed it and opened it. Inside there were pictures of me and Alana. I felt sick.

Me: babe, it's not what you think. I swear.

Diamond: are you fuckin her?

Me: no absolutely not!! I would never.

Diamond: then what are you doing with her?

Me: wait, how did you know about this? Who told you? Did you hire someone to follow me?

Diamond felt weak.

Diamond: no I met this guy at the bar. Dominic. That's his wife. We were talking and he told me about it. That's how I found out .

I instantly got upset.

Me: wait, hold up, you were talking to a guy at a bar?

Diamond: yes I was.

Me: really Diamond? So what you were flirting?

Diamond: if that's what you wanna call it.

I grew angrier.

Me: are you drunk or something? Are you listening to what you're telling me?

Diamond: no, I'm not drunk. I'm well aware of what I am saying.

Me: so did you fuck him?? Is that why you're so late getting home? What you thought that I fucked his wife so you decided to Fuck him?

She glared at me.

Diamond: fuck no!! It was strictly platonic, we never left the bar. Unlike you, you've known this bitch for 3 months and not one time did you mention her. And he has you two on camera hugging, laughing and just having a grand old time.

Me: Diamond it's not what you think.

She threw the bottle of bourbon across the room.

Diamond: so what the fuck is it??

Me: first of all calm down before you wake the children. And neither one of us is in any shape to deal with them right now. Second, Alana is my coworker we worked on a project together, it took about 3 months. She took me out to dinner as a thank you for helping her. We were laughing about the project we thought it was silly. That's it! I didn't tell you about her because it's nothing to tell. I can't believe that you think I would cheat on you, & with her? I wouldn't touch her. Every guy at the company has had her.

Diamond: and you haven't?

Me: ok diamond clrealy, you're not listening to me. No I haven't, I would never but what about you? You at the bar acting all single, flirting with guys!

Diamond: I'm not acting single. He is well aware that I'm married. I made that very fuckin known and clearly it's obvious I never took off my fuckin ring.

Just then I spotted his business card. My anger grew.

Me: why do you have his telephone number then??

Diamond looked guilty.

Me: what were you planning on calling him? Hooking up with him?

Diamond: excuse me??

Me: oh I think you heard me!!

Diamond: no, he told me to call him if I had more questions about you and Alana.

I tore up the card.

Me: why not just ask me? What did you think I would lie to you?

Diamond: yes I did.

Me: wow, really after 3 years, no fuckin trust huh??

She looked at me.

Me: you know what I'm done with conversation. I'm going to bed. I'll sleep in another room.

Diamond: fine!!

Me: fine huh really?

Diamond: yes really. She walked into our bedroom. I followed her.

Me: really is that what you want? What you wanna sleep alone so you can fantasize about Dominic?

Diamond: no, You're the one who said you were sleeping in the other room.

Me: you know your attitude really sucks right now Diamond. You act like I fucked her.

Diamond: I don't know if you did or not.

Me: yeah well I don't know if you fucked Dominic or not seeing that you get off work at 7 and come rolling up in here after 10.

Diamond: well I guess that neither one of us will never know huh?

I looked at her. She looked back.

Me: you know what? Fine play your little game Diamond I'm going to bed. It really hurts that you think I would cheat on you. I love you. We have 3 kids and have been married for 3 years. It hurts me that you believe the worst about me, it hurts that you flirted with another man. All I wanted to do was make love to you when you got home, I mean rock your world but now I cant even look at you.

Diamond: it hurts me that you felt that you couldn't tell me about Alana. It hurts me that I had to find out from a complete stranger. She cried. Now get out!!

Me: fine!

Diamond: fine!

I walked out the bedroom. I laid on the couch and cried. I couldn't believe this. Flirting with another man. Believing that I would cheat on her. I love Diamond to death I would never hurt her like that. I could hear her crying in the other room. I just couldn't make myself go in there. I was so angry with her.

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