Chapter 12: The Plate Blocker

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Weeks later, Alex and Elton found themselves in Iridia City, located in the state of Zephyr in Siril, nearing the end of their tenure as bodyguards to Mayor Baxcalibur.

The duo had been selected for this mission due to rumors swirling about an assassination plot targeting the mayor. Concerned for his safety, Mayor Baxcalibur had decided to bolster his security by hiring additional bodyguards, ultimately choosing the up-and-coming Team Awesome for the task.

As Mayor Baxcalibur enthusiastically outlined the city's future projects, Alex found himself looking at the Staravia flock formations overhead. Elton, on the other hand, was busy counting the cracks in the pavement out of sheer boredom.

Just as the mayor reached the climax of his speech, the cold wind started to pick up, and ominous clouds gathered in the sky. Elton nudged Alex and whispered, "Looks like even the weather's bored of this speech."

Alex smirked and replied, "Maybe we should hire those Staravias as entertainment. They seem more interesting than this."

Suddenly, a loud sneeze echoed from the back of the crowd, followed by an embarrassed murmur. Alex chuckled and whispered, "Looks like someone caught a cold from this dull affair."

Elton rolled his eyes playfully. "I bet even the potential assassins are yawning by now. Can we just fast forward to the part where we get to eat something?"

As they exchanged amused glances, the mayor wrapped up his speech, unaware of the comedic commentary happening among his supposed protectors.

As the mayor concluded his speech, he extended a gracious invitation to Alex and Elton to join him for a meal at City Hall. Elton's hungry belly roared in response, earning a chuckle from the mayor.

As they made their way inside, the mayor turned to Alex with a mischievous glint in his eye. "So, Alex, I've been hearing a lot about your relationship with Andrea. You know, maybe you could put in a good word for me? Get her to approve some of my projects?"

Alex managed a polite smile, but mentally sighed in annoyance. It seemed everyone had something to say about his status with Andrea - "the love," "the charmer of Vexus' daughter," and countless other embarrassing titles. When in reality, he has a nonexistent love life.

"Oh, you know, Mayor, just another day trying to survive her endless letters and phone calls… But she isn’t my girlfriend and I think that we should focus on the meal." Alex replied, hoping to swing the conversation into something else.

The mayor chuckled and agreed, deciding to focus on the meal at hand.

Just as they were digging into their food, an Espathra approached with a TM, explaining that they had an extra one in storage. The mayor, always one for charitable gestures, told her to place it on the table while he figured out where to donate it.

Before they could delve into the matter further, a Mr. Rime dramatically burst into the room, causing a sudden commotion. Alex and Elton, along with the other bodyguards, swiftly jumped into action, ready to defend the mayor.

In a hilariously anticlimactic turn of events, the suspect didn't put up much of a fight initially, leading everyone to wonder if he was all there mentally. However, in a sudden twist, he made a move towards the mayor with his icy staff.

Alex, quick on his paws, used a nearby plate to block the attack, marveling at its durability and jokingly suggesting that the mayor invest in more of these sturdy plates.

"You think you're safe, Mayor? You and your fancy guards! But mark my words, this is just the beginning. There's more coming, oh yes! And it won't stop!" The enraged and erratic Mr. Rime shouted.

"Easy there, Mr. Rime. What's gotten into you?" The mayor asked, worried.

"You'll see soon enough. More of us are out there, waiting to strike. Your precious city is nothing but an atom for what's to come!" Mr. Rime replied, still seething.

The guards restrain Mr. Rime and try to take him away, but with his final strength, he lashes out once more.

"Darkness, darkness! Not just this city, but beyond! Darkness will consume everything! You can't stop it!" Mr. Rime shouted.

"What's going on? Guards, keep a close watch on him!" The alarmed mayor stated.

Mr. Rime continues chanting "Darkness, darkness!" as he's escorted away, leaving everyone baffled and uneasy about his warnings. his cryptic words lingering in the air, leaving an unsettling feeling behind.

After the guards finally subdued the erratic Mr. Rime and took him away, the mayor thanked Alex profusely for saving him. As a token of gratitude, he handed Alex the TM, promising additional funds for their account. Little did he know, those funds would likely be slashed by Altaria Guild's rules.

Examining the TM, Alex discovered it contained Shadow Claw while Elton couldn't help but quip, "Well, looks like you got a new move and skill to add to your résumé. Professional plate blocker and Shadow Claw holder!"

The mayor sighed as he explained to Alex and Elton about the recent surge in aggressive behavior among Pokémon in the city. It seemed like a troubling trend that was affecting more and more creatures.

"Mayor, Greninja from Team Light mentioned something similar about the rise in criminal activity, but it seems to be a widespread issue throughout Siril." Alex stated.

*sighs* "Yes, unfortunately, it's not just limited to our city. It's a troubling trend across the entire region." The mayor replied while thinking about what the culprit behind all of this could be.

"If this keeps up, Siril will be a mere shadow of its former self. We need to find a way to stop this before it gets any worse." Elton said, looking at the ground.

Meanwhile, back at the Altaria Guild, everyone was gathered around the TV, engrossed in the news about Siril's struggles and escalating criminal activity. The reporter highlighted President Togekiss and the two stones beside him—one white and the other black. The president had made a decisive move, ordering Siril's protectors to awaken and help resolve the crisis.

The crowd in the guild watching the news expressed relief, believing that Reshiram and Zekrom would finally end the plague of aggression and chaos in Siril. These two legendary Pokémon were known as Siril's last resort for protection against significant threats due to their immense power and strong ties to Truth and Ideals that Siril emanates.

As the TV broadcast continued, the stones housing Reshiram and Zekrom began to glow, signaling their awakening. The guild members watched with bated breath as the two powerful legendaries emerged from their slumber, ready to protect and restore order to Siril.

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