I cry , you cry , we cry

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Now it is just Me Kat & Sutton

Kat's staring at me like someone

who just walked in on their partner

screwing someone else truly if looks 

could kill I'd be so fucking dead right now. 

Sutton opens her mouth to speak but

doesn't say anything & I can't tell if

kats angry hurt sad betrayed I'll 

assume all of the above. Baby A

BABY Adena's pregnant and you

knew all this time YOU FUCKING

KNEW, Kat I..l it wasn't my place to

tell she asked me not to she was

going to tell you everything she just

needed time...How Long Jane have

u known that Adena was pregnant

with my kid and you l'm suppose to

be your bestfriend we tell each other

every thing no matter what, Kat I

you are my best friend and I love you

I was put in between a rock and a

hard place I care about Adena as

well I was just trying to respect her

wishes if you were In my shoes u

would have done the same i never

meant to hurt you kat it was eating

me up inside this whole time and

the only reason I even knew about

the baby was because Adena asked

for my help she was freaking out so l

took her to see Ben he ran some test

on her and indeed she was pregnant

she asked me not to say anything.

So you've known for what weeks?

Umm... I'd say more like a month

and a half, A MONTH AND A HALF

WTF Jane I can't believe you  would

Keep this from me & you're suppose to

Be my bestfriend, kat storms off to the other

Side of the waiting room, OH FUCk I'm sitting here

Looking between kat & jane I'm not sure who I 

should Comfort first they're both sad & pissed 

But before I can choose I see Ryan walking towards 

Jane gosh I'm so glad Ryan is here but wait why is

Ryan here? I head over to kat and immediately hug

Her because I know she could use one right now. Umm..

Do you think adena didn't want me to know because 

She was planning on getting rid of the baby, I hold kat

For a while longer & I contemplate what I should say, kat

I honestly don't know I can't speak for adena but from 

Knowing how much you love eachother despite everything 

That happened between you two adena loves you & that

Baby is apart of you. Yeah but a bad part of me ,, ,No kat

Do not think that I've known you damn near my whole 

Life there isn't a bad part of you we all make mistakes 

But you don't have a bad bone in you kat & I know you're 

Upset with jane right now but just try to understand her 

I'm not saying she was right but her intentions weren't 

Wrong. Deep down i know that sutton is right i know that

Jane would never hurt me not intentionally anyway & 

Me of all people should know that. I am deep in in 

Thought when I hear Jane I turn around to see Ryan 

Standing there, Im fine Ryan... well I know that I dated

You a smile instantly crossed my first for once in a

 long time & it felt good but as quick as it came was

As quick as it went deep down I was just so damn tired

Ryan just looks at me & I start to cry he holds me & I 

Just fall apart in his arms & let the silence soothe me.

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