Yours, mines, Ours

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A nurse comes our and walks straight to to jane we all 

Turn in their direction, your friend is up we suggested 

That she gets rest because it will be good for her & the 

Baby but she has insisted on speaking with first so when

You're ready you can come back to see her, deep down 

I want to go & check on adena but the selfish part of me 

Wishes that she had someone other than me right now. I 

Give Ryan hand a squeeze and tell him how much I really 

Appreciate his support he tells me that if I ever need him

He's only a call away & he leaves, I look at sutton & then 

At kat and she is visibly still upset with me but not as upset 

As she was earlier so I walk over to where they're standing &

I prepare myself for Kat's wrath but instead she just hugs me 

And reaches in her pocket to hand me a letter, hey could you 

Give this to adena for me, I take the letter and i give kat a

Silent yes they both sit in the waiting area while I go to visit 

Adena as I reach her hospital room I knock & slowly enter. Jane

Is that you umm... hey adena yes it's me I close the door behind 

Me and I see Adena laying there with an IV and it reminds me of

When my mother was sick with cancer I try to push those thoughts 

Away but i am obviously uncomfortable being in this hospital room, j

Jane I just want to thank you for everything, you're welcome adena

I'm just glad that you & the baby are ok umm... I also wanted to

Give you this, I hand her the letter from kat I tell her that she needs 

To rest & I have work early she thanks me again and I head out of

Her room back to the waiting area kat & sutton are still there.....

Umm hey guys all done they look at me and kat asks me if 

Adrena and the baby are ok I let her know that they're ok & just

Need rest. Kat looks at me and sutton & she hugs sutton and tells

Her that she should go home and rest for work she told us that she 

Will stay for a  while sutton nods and goes to call for a cab I look at

Kat and part of me wants to explain everything to her but I just 

Physically couldn't open my mouth to say a word so I just grab my

Coat and start to walk out the hospital to meet  sutton at the cab 

but then kat grabs my hand and I turn to face her sad & shocked 

By the hold she has on me then kat pulls me in for a tight hug and

She whispers that she loves me always, a few tears slipout of my

Eyes I pull back and kat just tells me to go home and rest because 

She can see how tired I am & she promises me that we will talk

About everything, I just nod and head out to meet sutton. A few 

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