Where do we go from here

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tell us everything does Jacqueline

know did you tell her omg are you

fired....whoa guys breath for a

second to answer both your

questions yes she knows yes I told

her no I'm not fired atleast I don't

think so she did tell me to take some

time off to sort things out she was

surprisingly more understanding

than i thought she would be and you

guys were right coming today was a

mistake her friends iust both looked

at her in a sad and understanding

expression umm.. guys is it okay if I

stay in your apartment for today

being at mines right now... jane nods

a yes sutton with an immediate yes

of course, they all hug and kat

leaves.  Adena it's been a week you

haven't moved off that couch I

understand your hurt about your

fight with kat but you can't just

spend your life on the couch, adena

just looks at her friend annoyingly

she didn't tell her friend everything

just about the argument not the rest

so of course her friend didn't

understand that her pain went a

little deeper than just an argument

Tess was just so worried about her

friend I know what you need a girls

night out just me and you, adena

wanted to object but her friend

wouldn't take no for an answer

alright fine. A week has gone by kat

woke up almost every night from a

bad dream but last night was the

worst one of them all...

kat we can't do this not like this in

this state we should stop i

remember saying plz baby i need

this and then, I can't believe I was so

selfish I remember her trying to

push me off digging her nails in my

back I was so deep in my own head I

took that as her enjoying it knowing

adena enjoyed occasionally me

being the dominant one 1 remember

everything from how she smelled

how she felt I hate that i was

enjoying myself that night it disgust

me i want so bad to just call adena

to make sure she's okay, jane and

Finding the light againDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora