Say something

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After a night in the hospital and being poked like a lab rat, I was able

To get released by the morning which was a relief I just wanted a nice

Hot shower & my big comfy bed. As soon as got home Tess was on 

Phone she looked frantic, ADENA what the actual fuck I've been 

Calling your phone all morning when I noticed you didn't come in

At first I just thought you might have gone home with some damn 

Random chick to try & get over kat but then I see a post online with

Some people wishing you get well soon & something about you 

Passing out & the ambulance, I am listening to tess rant & she's 

Half yelling half crying I can see that I've been hurting my bestfriend 

& she don't deserve that, I was so scared I was calling hospitals & 

Damn near about to call the army to search for you, what happened 

Are you ok? Do you need anything? Soup , tea , tequila, tess I'm fine

I'm sorry I didn't call last night was hectic & I promise I will explain 

Everything soon, NO ADENA NO I am your bestfriend & I will always 

Be there for you but lately I've felt that you don't see that, you won't

Tell me the truth when I clearly know that something is wrong I've

Known since you came over that morning with your bags & that bs

Story about wanting to give kat space to explore her sexuality bull,

I know you Dena I know when your hurt I know when your lying to me

Because you don't want me to flip my shit which you know I will do

Concerning you because you're more than a bestfriend to me you're 

My sister my person so it hurts me that you feel you can't tell me 

What is going on, i thought if I gave you time & space you would be

Ready to Eventually tell me what is really going on with you & kat.

I hear you crying some nights begging someone to stop & at first

I just thought you were having dreams about being in that horrible 

Conversion camp but you haven't had dreams like that in a while

Plus I know you would have mentioned it to me like you do any

Other time, but then one night I heard you say kats name & you

Were crying in your sleep, Adena did kat do something physically 

To hurt you because I swear if she laid a finger on you violently I

Will skin her alive you know I've been in a domestic violent, (NO)

Tess it wasn't that kat would never hit me she would never hurt me

Not intentionally ok & everything that you were saying about me

Not being truthful with you was correct I've bee walking around 

With a secret & just so you know tess I trust more that I do anyone 

You're my sister my confidant & my crazy ass ride or die ok I'm just

So used to hiding my pain because it is the only way I feel safe and

In control by pretending that everything is ok. Tess I'm pregnant &

Yes it is Kat's baby. Look adena if you don't want to tell me the truth 

About what's really going on I will respect that but you, TESS just 

Please listen to me ok just look at the papers that I sat on the counter,

Tess walks over & reads my discharge papers I can see Where she got 

to the pregnancy part because Her eyes got big and she slowly sat

The papers down & looked at me, I explained everything to her of

Course starting with kats anatomy & then about what happened that

Terrible night & tess is just standing there speechless not moving & I

Don't even think she is breathing I think I just broke my bestfriend,

Tess are you ok I understand that was alot to ummm.... process so if

You need space I can find somewhere else to stay. Tess doesn't move

Or say anything, I am exhausted so I head towards the guest room &

Tess gently grabs my hand & pulls me in for a hug & I can feel my wall

Crashing down around me I don't who needed that hug more but I

Definitely didn't want it to ever end, I couldn't stop the tears & I could

Feel tess wet tear's on my shoulder & we cried together silently but I

Could hear our pain I could feel tess heart hurting for me & that is

What I tried to avoid, I didn't want to hurt my bestfriend & knowing 

That I am hurt always hurts tess she is like my twin sister because if

I am upset I know that she will be & if I am sad I know that she will be 

Sad tess has the biggest heart that I've ever seen & she loves hard so

I try to protect her big beautiful heart the same way she protects me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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