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Lin was not happy about me being home late. And he got even madder when I had to explain the attempted mugging.

Let's just say if you wondering if your under cover guardian can ground you?

Yes, yes he can.

Can he instill the fear in you a parent could?

Also yes.

I don't think I ever want to get on his bad side if this is just his mad side.


Walking into school that Friday was the worst.

Nya could tell I wasn't in a good mood and wouldn't stop bugging me till I told her what happened.

"Raila, you can walk through alleys after dark!" She scolded. "That's just asking to get mugged!"

I glanced at Lloyd for help but he only shrugged. Guess he knew better than to argue with an angry Nya.

As we walked through the halls Nya wanted to hear every detail about what happened.

"I thought the guy was going to stab me but then The Green Ninja showed up."

Both Nya and Lloyd stiffed.

"He even took me home on his dragon afterwards." I sighed.

Nya and I went to Mr. Poppy's class while Lloyd headed to his first class of the day.


In the bustling halls of Ninjago High, I found myself navigating the labyrinth of lockers and people. My heart raced with a hint of nervousness, the unfamiliarity of it all adding to the thrill of starting anew. Amidst the sea of unfamiliar faces, one stood out to me – Lloyd Garmadon.

Lloyd, with his piercing Green gaze exuded an air of mystery that drew me in. Despite the whispers and sidelong glances that followed him wherever he went, there was a vulnerability in his eyes that spoke volumes. He wasn't at all what people said he was.

As fate would have it, I stumbled upon him surrounded by a group of bullies. Their laughter cut through the air like a chilling wind, and my heart went out to him. Rage burned through my veins.

With a surge of courage I didn't know I possessed, I stepped forward, my voice trembling but determined. "Hey, leave him alone!" I said, my words ringing out like a challenge.

Lloyd's eyes widened in surprise as he looked at me, a silent plea hidden within his gaze. But despite his unspoken warning, I couldn't stand by and watch.

"It's not right to pick on someone just because of who they are or who their family is." I continued, my voice growing stronger with each word.

The bullies turned their attention to me, their sneers and jeers like daggers aimed at my heart. But I refused to back down, drawing strength from an unknown source within me.

With a defiant glare, one of the bullies scoffed. "And what's it to you, new girl?"

"It's everything to me," I retorted, my voice steady despite the fear coursing through my veins. "No one deserves to be treated this way."

For a brief moment, my normally blue eyes flickered with a hint of purple, a manifestation of the fire burning within me.

Their laughter echoed off the walls, mocking my defiance. But I stood my ground, locking eyes with each of them in turn, refusing to back down in the face of their hostility.

With a fierce glare, another bully stepped forward, his posture threatening. "Why are you defending Garmadork?!"

I felt a surge of anger rising within me at the name. "Because you're wrong." I said firmly, meeting their gazes with unwavering determination. "Lloyd is not his father. He's his own person, and he deserves a chance to prove it."

But the bullies only laughed harder, convinced of their own righteousness. "Yeah, right!" One of them scoffed. "Like father, like son. He'll turn out just like Lord Garmadon, mark my words."

As the tension escalated, one of the bullies, fueled by anger and arrogance, lunged forward and shoved me hard into a nearby locker. The impact sent a sharp pain shooting through my head, and for a moment, everything went dark as I slumped to the floor.

I struggled to steady myself, but the pain in my head was overwhelming. The bullies' laughter seemed to echo in my ears, taunting me as I fought to regain my bearings. Tears welled up in my eyes.

"Know your place." One growled with a laugh.

As the bullies turned to leave, their laughter fading into the distance, Lloyd's concern for me overrode any fear or anger he might have felt. With a gentle urgency, he hurried to my side, his eyes filled with worry.

"Raila, are you okay?" He asked, his voice tinged with concern.

I struggled to sit up, the pain in my head still throbbing relentlessly. Tears welled up in my eyes as I tried to nod, but the movement only intensified the pain.

Lloyd's brow furrowed with worry as he knelt beside me, his hand hovering uncertainly over my shoulder. "I'm so sorry..." He said, his voice heavy with guilt. "I should have stopped them. I should have done something."

Despite the pain, I managed a weak smile, reaching out to gently squeeze his hand. "It's not your fault, Lloyd." I whispered, my voice barely above a hoarse murmur. "You didn't deserve that."

Lloyd's eyes softened with gratitude as he helped me to my feet, his touch gentle yet reassuring.

AN: I hope you all are enjoying the rewrite! Let me know what you all think!
Wc: 894
Thanks for reading!
K out!

Where Purple Meets Green (Ninjago: Lloyd X Oc) RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now