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Peridots pov-
I heard Garnet say that the drive would be pretty long, so I decided to bring out my headphones so me and Lapis could listen to music together. I heard what Amethyst had said about lapis possibly liking me, even though she tried to mouth the words, but I heard it anyway. I didn't care either since I knew she was joking. After a bit we all arrived at the party.

*yk what happened next so time skip, I just wanted to show peridots pov in that scene.*

Peridots Pov still-

"Ohohohohhh!! Peridot look! They have a pool!!"Lapis, none of us brought swimsuits.." Pearl said. I saw lapis frown, but then Garnet spoke up. "Not all of us! I brought spares enough for all of us. " Lapis then smiled. Really?? "No," "GARNET, DONT GET MY HOPES UP!!?-" Garnet then laughed, but I have to admit that was kinda fucked up, it seems lapis really loves to swim though.

"Hey it looks like the bar is next to the pool, though!! I'm gonna go and get a drink, " Amethyst said, we all nodded. "Pearl and I are gonna go talk to some old friends, so you two just have fun, I guess," Garnet said.

I looked up to lapis. "So what do you wanna do?.."  "Hmm.. I mean, I know we don't have swimsuits, but.. wanna sit on the edge of the pool, at least? I mean, you did look pretty upset when Pearl said we couldn't swim. " When I said this, I saw lapis smile again."Yesssss!!!!"

Lapis grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the backyard where the pool was. There were surprisingly a lot of people there. I saw amethysts at the bar talking to her sister jasper. I saw Lapis's smile fade when she looked in that direction, I looked over where the bar was. "W-whats wrong lapis?.."  "jaspers wrong.." "Who? " I said with concern.

"Amethysts sister.. that's who she's talking to right now. I fucking hate her.. me and her used to be together in the past and we broke up not too long after we got together, she was just an abusive little bitch.." "Hey well.. your not with her now right? Don't let her make you upset. Besides, we are here for you in case you need it!"  "Y-yea your right.."

Me and Lapis went to sit at the pools edge so we could put our feet in the water. It was dark enough to where the pool likes turned on, and then the water glowed. "Its pretty.." Lapis said "yea it really is!" I said.

After awhile of us just chatted for a bit, and then I had the idea to just push lapis in the water as a joke. "Hey lapis, what's that?" I said as I pointed in a different direction away from me. Then I pushed lapis in and she screamed.

Lapis's pov-

Peridot had pointed somewhere and asked me what it was, I looked over and then felt peridot push me into the pool, and I screamed, "AHHHHHHH-" then I fell in the water. I quickly came above the water to see Peridot laughing her ass off. "PERI, WHAT THE FUCK?!-" Peridot continued to laugh, then i grabbed her ankle and dragged her in the water as well. "LAPIS WAI-"

Peridot then rose up above the water and quickly came out of the pool soaked. "LAPIS?!-" then it took me a second, then i realized that Peridot had been wearing baggy pants with her hoodie. "Whoops.."   "I had rolled up my pants for a reason."
Peridot said. And that was true. "Well, that's what you get for pushing me into the water!" I said with a smile on my face "But this will take forever to dry!- your wearing shorts and a jacket?- I have pants and a hoodie.."
Amethyst then walked up to us and asked what the fuck happened then we explained.

Eventually, I crawled out the pool with my whole body soaked.

Peridots pov-

//I was pretty pissed off at lapis for bringing me into the water, then lapis was getting out the pool. I saw her whole body was soaked but when I got in the water my hair hadn't got wet, which I was glad about. Lapis, on the other hand, her hair was wet.. and it was kinda ho-.. GAUHH- Peridot, what the hell..// I thought to myself.

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