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⛔️TRIGGER WARNING: Lots of blood talk, some people may find it triggering!! And self-harm!!⛔️

Lapis's pov-

I saw jasper beating the fuck out of peridot, and ran out my swat and went over there. As I was running over there, jasper had punched Peridot on the face pretty bad. Then I ran and punched jasper back. Half of that punch was for being abusive and hurting my roommate. Once I bunched jasper I did it hard as fuck, and my knuckles where bleeding, but Peridot was bleeding way more than I was. "YOU DUMB FUCKING BITCH!!" I said as I punched her

When I punched jasper, Peridot had fallen to the ground, I went to her level and shook her by her shoulders, I kept asking if she was okay. I looked at her face, and there was blood. Jasper had cracked open her skull. (Not literally ovi) I saw Peridot fall over, I'm guessing she just blacked the fuck out, I dunno if jasper had hit her so fucking hard she blacked out, or if it was just multiple times.

After thinking that, I picked peridot a bridal style and took her to the dorm as quickly as I could. As we has gotten to the door, I struggle unlocking the door since I was carrying peridot aswell. Eventually, I had gotten it open and shut the door with my foot and placed peridot on her bed.

I went to the bathroom quickly and got a small little hand towel, and put cold water on it, then put it over peridots head, and held it there sitting next to her on the edge of the bed, to help stop the bleeding.

I sat there staring at her face, with her eyes closed, and crocked glasses. I laughed softly when I noticed it was crocked, so I fixed them for her.

I lifted the towel after a while later to see if the blood had settled down, and I had to get a new towel since the other one was covered in blood. I then sat back down to Peridot and put it back on her face, then she squirmed a bit when I put it on her, I'm assuming because the water was cold.
"egh.. lapis?.." Peridot said softly.

Hearing her sound like this made me heartbroken. Normally, she sounds super happy and playful, but right now.. not so much. "Yea.. I'm here, peri.. you doin alright?" I said with a soft look of concern on my face.

"Y-yea.." Peridot then set her hand over mine, the one I was using to hold the towel up to her head with, but I don't think she cared, neither did I, but I did blush a bit. "W-what the fuck happened.." Peridot said confused and getting up slowly. "Well, first you said you were gonna use the restroom, then jasper beat your ass, then i beat her ass in a way -.. then i brought you here."

"Wh-what happened to your knuckles?-" Peridot saw my bloody knuckles from when I punched jasper. "Oh.. right, well, that's when I punched jasper, I mean, I'm assuming she ran off after I did because I didn't really pay attention to her after I punched her, I was just focusing on you at the time, but im okay I'm just worried about you."

Peridots pov-

Hearing that lapis was worried about me suddenly made me get emotional. Before I knew it, warm tears were coming out of my eyes. "Hey, hey hey, it's okay? You're gonna be okay, peridot.." Lapis said softly, but that only made me cry more. Lapis then brought me into a hug and tightened her grip. "i-im sorry lapis.." I said, crying in between my words.

"Sorry about what?.." Lapis said, concerned about me. "I'm sorry you have. You have to take care of me like this.." "Why would you ever be sorry for that?.." Lapis said.

"Because I've never had anybody actually worry about me.. I never really had close friends. My parents never cared about me. All they did was fight at each other, i wish my dad would have left because he causes me to -" I stopped speaking..

"Causes you to what peridot?.." Lapis said. "I-.." More tears came out of my eyes. "Peridot.. you can tell me, you're safe." I look away for a momment and then decided that she might as well know, I then lift up my sleeve on my right wrist, and she her the cuts, some are fresh and some aren't. Lapis then grabs my hand softly and slowly brings it closer to her face to get a better look at the cuts.

"Your dad is the reason you cut yourself?.." I nodded "yes" slowly. "What did he do to you?.." I hesitate for a moment, but I feel like I would need to vent to somebody for once in my life, I never had anybody to vent to so I went ahead and told her.

(The following "backstory" of peridot is what happens to me, just fyi.)

"Whenever my dad got home from work, he would yell at me for small things he didn't accept.. I wasn't allowed to close my door, not even when I changed my clothes.. and he would yell at me whenever I got any grade in school, lower than an 80.. that why I cads so much, and why I get called a nerd.. he would give me panic attacks when he yelled at me, to the point where I was shaking, and I couldn't breathe right. Whenever that did happened he just said stuff like, "You crying isn't going to make me feel bad, so I don't care that you are." And every now and then, he would hit my mom. He has been abusive towards me and my mom for years. I couldn't take it anymore, and I get grounded so many times. I stay up all night since it's the only time I can be on my phone and cry in silence."

Lapis had stayed quiet for a momment, then spoke up, "Well.. you're not with your dad now.. you're safe here, and you won't need to see him in a while. And once this year ends, you'll have many friends to comfort you, plus you could always live with me!" Lapis said, smiling. After a while of sitting next to each other and lapis holding me next to her, lapis suddenly kissed me on the forehead. "Is your head feeling any better?" She said after she had kissed me.

I looked up at her with stars in my eyes. "Y-you kissed me?-" I said while I felt my face warm up slightly. Lapis laughed at my reaction to it, then lifted up the towel again. "Hey, I gotta wash that off, okay? It's probably going to burn, though." I nodded as she brought a bandage and a cotton ball. Lapis then poured some medical shit onto the cotton ball, then dabbed it onto my head.(i forgot what it was called srry!!) I hissed for a second, when I eventually went through with it.

Lapis then cleaned it off with water, dried it, and put the bandage on. "Thanks, lappy.." Lapis looked at me for a momment, then laughed, "Lappy?!-" she said, smiling. "O-oh, sorry, I just thought if you called me peri I co-" I was cut off by lapis "Nononono, your fine, it just caught me off gaurd is all-" she said laughing "it was cute~" she said smiling once more. I felt my face get red.

Lapis's pov-

I had thought for a momment after Peridot had told me she was cutting herself and stuff. "Hey, peri?.." I looked at her softly. "Yea lapis?-.." Peridot said. "You're not... you're not still cutting yourself, right?.." Peridot had stayed silent, looking away from me. "Peridot.. please... tell me you stopped."

Peridot was still silent. Then I sighed. "I know we've been roommates for just a month now, but I care for you. I care for all my friends. Just promise me.. PROMISE. Me. You won't cut yourself anymore.." Peridot then looked back up at me and spoke,"Okay.. I'll promise." Peridot said as she tightened the grip on her right wrist (where the cuts were)

"Thank you.." I said holding peridots hand.

Hey, yall! Like I said, the backstory with Peridot and her dad is true. It's happening to me at the moment. Writing theese story's calms me down, so I might be making chapters more apparent than I said, or less. I'm pretty depressed right now, so I'm trying my best<33

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