-The Beach-

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Lapis's pov-

I woke up in the beach house, and it was super cold. I sat on the edge of the bed, and it reminded me of when I woke up for the first day of college. I stepped off my bed, and my foot touched the cold tiles, then walked over to my bag and picked Jean shorts and a light blue tank top, with my swimsuit under it.

I climbed up the steps to the top bunk where Peridot had been lying in. I shook her for a second, and she didn't move. I shook her again while speaking, "Peridot!" Eventually, she got up and turned to me with her messy hair. "Wha?-.." she said in a sleepy tone. "Cmon! Let's go get breakfast, I think I heard the others get up!" Peridot then nodded, got dressed, and then we went out to the kitchen.

"Morning, you guys!" Pearl said, smiling. "Morning!" I said back.

Time skip-

We all ate breakfast (McDonald's), and then we decided to get ready to go to the beach, and maybe check out some stores and buy suvineirs like Pearl said. 

"Let's go, guys!" Garnet said as she was walking towards the front door holding the car keys. "Alright, alright.." Pearl said.

Me and Peridot both walked out the door together, and we sat in the trunk since we thought It'd be fun. "Hey Peridot?" I said with a concerned look on my face. "Hm?" Peridot said, looking back at me. "Are you alright? Because you've been pretty quiet theese last few days.." I said in a soft tone.

"O-oh.. Yea! I'm fine, just been.. thinkin.." Peridot said as she looked down to her hands. As she said this, I frowned. "Are you sure?.." "Yea.. im sure, " Peridot said. Personally, I didn't believe a word she was saying, but I didn't want to stress her out, so I just stayed silent the rest of the drive.

Time skip-

The car stopped, and then Peridot and I  began to look around. "Ooohh peri, we are here!!" I said as I put my hand on her shoulder, shaking her a bit.

We all got out of the car and walked around in the sand for a bit. We hadn't brought anything like towels or an ice chest, so we all decided to just walk along the shore and talk together. 

"So, when are yall gonna get to together." Garnet said to Pearl and amethyst.  "WHA?- GARNET WHAT THE HELL?!-" Pearl said. Garnet then laughed, and Amethyst stayed silent. Everyone knew Amethyst liked Pearl, and Pearl might like bismuth more than amethyst. Everyone is still unsure about all that kinda drama between them, though.

- Time skip bcuz I'm lazy, and I sliced my thumb so it hurts to type💀💔 -

Peridots pov (finally lmao)-

Me and Lapis were the ones closest to the shore when we were all walking along it, then lapis stopped and took a look out into the ocean. Everyone else kept walking, but I stopped eventually and turned around, and walked towards lapis. "Lapis?" I said, tilting my head. Lapis grabbed her left arm and began to speak. "Huh?- o-oh Yea in fine.. I'm just looking at the ocean, i guess."

Lapis then sat down onto the sand, with her feet being hit by the small waves on the shore. I looked over into the direction the others were walking at, and they got smaller and smaller.
"You sure?" I said to lapis. I waited for an answer, but nothing lapis, was still looking into the ocean.

I eventually sat down with lapis and looked into the ocean as well. Lapis then looked at me, and a small smile formed on her face. "You're really pretty up close peri.." Lapis said softly.
I felt my face begin to heat up, and I spoke up, "uh- i- t?-" I was speechless. Lapis giggled slightly. "And you cute when you're flustered.." Lapis said, smirking.

"Yo, p-dot where did yall go?-" Amethyst said, then cut herself off as she looked at me and Lapis's face, I mean, lapis was smirking, and my face was red, and we just technically left them to be alone. How could that not look werid? "Oohhhhh.. I see what's going on.." Amethyst said, smriking at us.

"H-huh?!-" I said, acting like I didn't know what she meant.. but I did. I did for sure.. "Hah.. alright, you two, you want some more romantic alone time, or are yall gonna cmon?" Amethyst said point behind her with her thumb. "Oh, we'l-" I started to sit up, but lapis cut me off when she grabbed my wrist, looking up at me. "Actually, we're gonna stay here, I guess." I said, confused. "Al'ight." Amethyst said as she walked away with her hands on her neck.

"So why'd you want me to stay here, lapis?" I said as I sat back down. "Oh, I dunno I-I wanted to stay here, but I thought if you left to go there, I'd be alone and lost i-.." Lapis stopped talking and looked down, then grabbed her hair. "S-sorry i-.." Lapis then hugged her knees and hid her face.

"Lapis?.." I said as I put my hand over her shoulder. Lapis then looked up. "I'm fine, don't worry about it.." Lapis said as she looked up at my hand, then at me. "Okay.. if you say so.."

- time skip 30 minutes later

"It's been awhile lapis, wanna go back and find the others?.." I looked over at her. By now, the sun was lowering, and it glared into her eyes. "Hm?.." Lapis said, turning to me. We were surprisingly close to each other, and I stared into her eyes for a momment, then lapis stared into mine. I then slowly got closer to her lips. Then, mine lips touched hers.

After a bit, I pulled away, catching my breath a little as I stared into Lapis's eyes again, speechless. "I-" Lapis said. I didn't say anything, though.

Amethyst then came running to us. "Cmon guys, we are walking back to the car! It's getting dark!" Amethyst said, catching her breath.  I got up first, then reached my hand out so I could help lapis up. Lapis grabbed my hand and got up, but didn't let go. She kept holding my hand the whole way back. I didn't stop her, though we interlocked my fingers with hers, and I think I liked it.

We all got to the car, and everyone sat in the seats they were in on the drive there. Lapis and I were still holding hands and looking out the window in the trunk together, watching the palm trees passing by, and the ocean getting smaller and smaller as we drove away.

Time skip-

We got back to the beach house, and we all ate some pizza from Dominoes out on the little sand backyard tables,  "we were going to go to all theese little shops but we never had time to because you guys just ditched us" Amethyst said side-eyeing us. Me and Lapis stayed silent.

After we all finished eating, we played some corn hole, and then we all headed inside. "Goodnight, you guys!" Pearl said in a singing voice "Night" Garnet said, and amethyst yawned,

and me and Lapis and I said goodnight, went into our room, and I closed the door as lapis lay on her back on her bed. "Lapis? You good?.." I said. Lapis then turned and looked at me, still staying in the same position. "About what happened earlier.. on the shore.." Lapis said as she started to get up and sat on the edge of her bed, then looked away as she grabbed her arm. "How- did- i-.." Lapis stopped talking.

I'm guessing she couldn't find the right words though, so I spoke. "Did I like it?.." I said as lapis quickly looked up at me. She nodded. We started at each other for at least 3 seconds before she spoke, "Did you?.." Then i nodded and sat next to her. "What does this mean?.." I said as I looked at my hands.

"I guess we are together now." Lapis said softly as she held my hand.

--Hii guys!! Sorry that this and last chapter was posted late, I had to do a lot of studying for my state test. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I can't wait to make the next!!--

 Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I can't wait to make the next!!--

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