//The Trip\\

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Sorry, this chapter is late. I was super busy yesterday because i had a band performance, and this one is KINDA a long one!!

Peridots Pov-

I had just woken up, and today it's time to go to the beach, I grabbed my phone and checked the time. It was 8:38 in the morning, so I put my glasses on, got up, and picked out my outfit for the day. 

After that, I made sure I hadn't forgotten anything for the beach, and then I suddenly heard lapis waking up. I looked up and saw lapis sitting up on her bed, with her messy blue hair, then I looked back down, zipped my bag close, and sat on my bed scrolling on my phone.

Lapis's pov-

I slowly opened my eyes and sat up as I saw Peridot looking through her bag, then putting it up and going on her bed. I decided I should start getting ready.

I looked at my phone and saw I had a notification from amethyst, she said that all of us would meet at the café again to plan a bit better, and I agreed.

"Hey Peridot, me, you, amethyst, and the others are all gonna go to the café to chat about the plan for the beach in a few!" I said as I climbed down the stairs too my bed.

"Oh, alright," Peridot said. "Psshh, why are your replies so dry peri?-"
I said, laughing slightly.  "W-wha?- replies are not dry!?-" Peridot said, confused.

I laughed even more because of the look on peridots face. After I had calmed down a bit, I grabbed some clothes and went to change, I went to the bathroom, and then as I was closing the door, I looked down an my eyes locked onto the razor I had thrown earlier last night in the shower. I picked it up and admired it for a second, set it down, and quickly got dressed. 

I walked out the door with the razor in my hand, I tightened the grip and walked in front of Peridot and looked her in the eyes, waiting for her to look back. Eventually, she did. "Uh.. lapi?-"  "Peridot what the fuck is this." I said as I lifted it up to show her it.

Peridot started to stare at the razor but was silent.  "So?!... You wanna explain?" I said. Peridot then opened her mouth, trying to speak, but failed. "I-" 

I sighed and opened the window, then threw it out the window. "Look, I don't know why you have that, but I know that there is most likely more. Give me others."  Peridot still stayed silent staring out the window that i had thrown the razor out of.

"Peridot?" I said softly, as I noticed she had tears on the corner of her eyes. I walked closer towards her at holding her hand. She flinched for a second, and then I looked her in the eye. "You can tell me, I'm not mad i just care about you, is all."

Peridot then looked at me in the eyes as well, and our faces weren't too far, and then I felt my face heat up. Peridot then pointed to a little box, and I went over to grab it. I opened it and saw the razors.

I then looked back at Peridot with a sad look on my face. I closed the little box again, and then I threw them away. "No more, okay?"  Peridot nodded. "Let's go to the café now," I said.

-time skip-

Lapis's pov-

Me and Peridot are walking down to the café with our stuff because we all plan to just our our bags in the car now, so we don't need to later.

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