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 When we got back to Avengers Tower in New York, I was hoping we would walk into the lab and see my dad and Bruce Banner disassembling the cradle and the gem from the body. I was disappointed and heartbroken to see the exact opposite. The Maximoffs were right. What's worse, I could feel my skin buzzing like it did with the scepter, only this time it was buzzing because of whatever was in that cradle.

" have got to upload that schematic in the next three minutes." Bruce said as he moved around to the other side of the cradle.

Steve stepped forward. "I'm going to say this once."

"How about 'none-ce'?" Tony said snarkily.

"Dad, shut it down. Please." I begged.

"You need to trust me on this sweetpea."

"Shut it down." Steve demanded.

"Nope, not going to happen."

"You don't know what you're doing!" Steve said.

"And you do?" Bruce asked, looking at Wanda in anger, "She's not in your head?"

Wanda came forward then, "I know you're angry."

"Oh, we're way past that." Bruce said severely, "I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade."

"Banner, after everything that's happened-"

My dad cut Steve off. "It's nothing compared to what's coming!"

There's the fear again. The fear that's been slowly eating away at him and taking over his life for the past three years. It's ruling him and making him incapable of thinking logically. The Maximoffs were right; I thought again.

"You don't know what's in there!" Wanda tried.

"This isn't a game!" Steve shouted.

"Dad! Please, please listen to us... listen to me!"

Before another word could be said, Pietro sped around the room in a blue streak and shut down everything and pulled all the hoses from the cradle. Even though the project was stopped though, I could still feel my connection to the thing inside of it. Was it the gem I was feeling?

"Go on," Pietro said, "you were saying?"

A gunshot suddenly sounded, and Pietro fell through the glass floor. Wanda ran forward, calling for her brother, and my dad turned to the computer to put the project back online. Steve threw his shield, taking out more of the machinery, but my dad used the glove of his Ironman suit to shoot Steve backward out of the room.

Bruce grabbed Wanda around the torso, egging her into pissing him off and the dad called the rest of his suit to attach itself to him. While all of this was going on, I felt a twitch under my skin and my eyes shot to the cradle. I think there was still a battle going on, but I was purely focused on the being inside the cradle.

I was standing right next to it, peering inside at the red face, when Thor appeared on top of it. He powered up his hammer with as much lightning as he could and then slammed it down on the cradle, blowing me off my feet. I flew backwards but was caught by strong sturdy arms before being placed back on the floor.

Steve kept his arms around me as everyone in the room watched the lightning get fed into the cradle. The system was overloaded, and I thought for a moment it would explode, but the lightning stopped and everything fell quiet for a moment. It wasn't the system that exploded next, it was the cradle and the being inside came out, crouching down on top of it. He looked like a red man. Thor, who was knocked down, pushed himself to his feet, and we all waited with bated breath to see what would happen next.

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