I Love You

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The first thing I heard was the steady beep of a heart monitor. Actually, it was the only thing I heard. The steady beep was slowly waking me up, and I groaned as I blinked my eyes open in a familiar stark white room. I knew where I was... where was I?


I turned to the soft voice beside me and saw Bucky sitting in a chair beside my bed. "What's going on?" I asked, hoarsely.

"We're in Wakanda. It's the only place that has the right technology to help you." He said brokenly.

"W-Wakanda?" I asked and tried to sit up. "What happened? Where's Sam?"

"Sam's probably back in the US now." Bucky replied and shifted closer. "You had spinal fluid leaking from your ears and nose. You were in surgery for 12 hours."

"That explains so much." I whispered, settling back down on the pillows. "What's the verdict now?"

"Well, like Bucky said, we were the only medical facility within reach that was able to help you as efficiently and noninvasively as you needed. You will make a full recovery. And we fixed your broken nose while we were at it." A very welcomed and familiar voice said from the door.

I turned and smiled at the woman. "Shuri... it's so good to see you."

"You as well, Shadow. I just wish it was under better circumstances." Shuri responded with a smile, bringing over a cup of water.

"Next time, promise." I said, taking a sip.

"I just wanted to come and check your progress. Aside from the severe concussion, cerebral lesions, broken nose, and cracked rib, you were also seriously fatigued." Shuri said and then looked at my stats, giving me a quick checkup. "Everything looks great. We'll be able to discharge you soon, but there won't be any fighting for you in the near future. Doctor's orders."

"Sounds good to me." I said tiredly, resting my eyes briefly.

"I'll leave you two alone again. Congrats, by the way." She said and before I could ask for what, she was gone.

We were silent for a moment, and I didn't open my eyes until Bucky spoke. "I should have never let you fight the way you did. I knew you were injured. I knew it was a risk."

"You forget that I'm a grown woman, Bucky, and if I didn't want to fight, I wouldn't have." I said, opening my eyes to look at him.

"I know, but that doesn't mean I don't want to protect you. I wish you could understand that." He sighed, looking down at the pristine white floors.

"Then protect me Bucky. Don't control me." I said to him, "I know you want to keep me safe, but you cannot shelter me from all things bad."

He tilted his head back up, his blue eyes piercing my brown ones with so much depth, devotion, and something else. "I wish I could."

"Don't forget I'm an Avenger too, and for a reason."

"I wish you weren't." He breathed.

I scoffed, "Well, that's a wish that won't be granted."

"I know." He said.

"Not too long ago, you said you loved to watch me fight."

"Yeah, against guys that can't hurt you... That won't make you end up in a room like this and in a bed like that."

I sighed and looked up at the ceiling of the hospital room. "I'm not sure if you were in the room or not when my dad's last message was played. That day is a little fuzzy for me. 'It's the hero gig.' He had said. The hero doesn't always get to come home, Bucky." I tilted the head to the side to look at the man who I couldn't picture a future without.

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