My White Wolf

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Zemo just walked into the parking garage after Bucky gave Sam his 'hypothetical' jail break story. Sam looked over at him, and his eyes widened before turning angrily back to Bucky.

"Whoa. Whoa, whoa. What are you doing here?" Sam shouted, headed straight for Zemo.

Bucky got in his way, "Listen Sam." Stopping him, ‌"I didn't tell 'cause I knew you wouldn't let this happen." He said urgently.

"What did you do?!"

"We need him, Sam."

Sam pointed aggressively at Zemo. "You're going back to prison!"

"If I may..." Zemo started.

"NO!" Sam and Bucky both shouted simultaneously, glaring at the murderer.

Bucky turned back to Sam and spoke calmly, "When Steve refused to sign the Sokovia Accords, you backed him. You broke the law, and you stuck your neck out for me. I'm asking you to do it again..." Bucky pleaded. He was going to stop there, but he had to add one more thing, "and maybe not throw it in Nell's face. After all, everything you accused her of doing, you did too, for the same reasons."

"I really do believe I'm a valu-" Zemo tried again but was once again interrupted.

"Shut up." Sam said and then sighed, looking back at Bucky, "Okay. If we do this, you don't make a move without our permission." He directed Zemo.

"Fair." Zemo nodded.

"Okay..." Sam said, "What first?"

Bucky put his hand on Sam's shoulder and nodded his head in the direction his girlfriend left, "You go apologize to the woman you just pissed off."


When I stepped outside, I looked up and down the street, hands fisted to fight the twitching. Sam's words really affected me, but I didn't want them to. I knew they weren't true and I know he knew they weren't true either. However, they were still said, and they still hurt.

There was a public garbage can at the corner of the building I was just in and there was quite a bit of litter on the ground, too. I could always clean that up a bit and then burn the skin off my hands afterwards... So that's what I did. I started with food wrappers and empty coffee cups. They were innocent enough and didn't entirely gross me out. It was when my hands were full of trash and I was just about to throw it all in the bin that Sam came out and saw me.

"What do you want?" I asked dully, as I dropped the items in and then went back to picking up more.

"Are you... tidying up the street?" He asked.

"Maybe you really are blind if you need to ask." I said. I didn't even have it in me to express anything toward him right now because I know if I did, I'd either cry or hit him. Although, the latter doesn't seem so bad.

"I thought Bucky was razzing you about that neurotic cleaning thing he mentioned with Dr. Raynor." Sam said softly, "I didn't realize how affected you were."

I threw more trash in the garbage and sighed, not looking at him, "How would you know? I kept it pretty under wraps until Bucky popped back into my life."

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" He asked.

I finally turned to him and crossed my arms. "You clearly had your own crap going on. Besides, I have it under control. I'm fine." I shrugged.

"Nell, you're literally cleaning up garbage on the streets of Berlin." He raised a brow.

"Yeah, well, whose fault is that?" I snapped.

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