Dora Milaje

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I was sitting on the stairs we used when we came into the room; I was bored with standing. I was also bored with watching John Walker pacing the room we were in. He walked closer to Bucky trying to peer inside the door Sam disappeared through and let out an impatient sigh of exasperation.

"No, no, no, no, no, no... this is a bad idea." He said, continuing his pacing.

"It hasn't been ten minutes, John. Just sit tight." Bucky said. The ten minutes started once the service ended and Sam could speak to Karli alone.

"Don't do that. Don't patronize me." Walker said, accusing Bucky of doing something he definitely wasn't doing.

"He knows what he's doing." Bucky shrugged.

Walker stopped in front of me, and I looked up from picking at my nails. "You've worked with Sam for a few years. You're sure about this?"

"I would have said something if I wasn't." I said and then stood up so I was taller than him and could look down, "Despite what you might think, John, I actually have my own mind and the ability to think for myself."

He turned away from me and looked at a clock that was on the wall. He seemed to have made up his mind as he placed the shield on his arm and started marching toward the door. "I'm going in," He said, determined. Lemar pushed away from the wall to follow suit.

I waved my hand and blocked the doorway with my shadow. He turned and glared at me. In the meantime, Bucky stepped in front of him and pushed him back. John angrily blew air out his nose as he turned to Bucky, steel in his eyes. Bucky wasn't intimidated in the least and stood his ground. I kept my shadow in place, just in case.

"This is all really easy for you isn't it?" Walker asked, but we knew it wasn't meant to be answered. "All that serum runnin through your veins. Barnes, your partner needs backup in there." Walker said, trying to convince him. "Do you really want his blood on your hands?"

"If Sam needs backup, he'll let us know." I cut in, coming down the steps and stepping closer to box them in.

Walker scoffed, "He could already be dead."

Bucky looked at me over Walker's shoulder, and I shook my head. Don't do it Bucky, Don't step aside. Damn it, that's exactly what Bucky did. Walker knew exactly the right words to say to get Bucky to move away and let him through. I wouldn't do that though.

"Let me through Nellie." Walker demanded.

"No." I asserted. "You need to let it play through."

"Don't make me do this." He warned me.

Before I could ask him what he meant, he lifted the shield and used it to cut through my shadow. I grunted and caught myself on the wall as I felt the ripping sensation tear its way through me. I felt like I needed to scream but held it back as I watched Walker and Lemar walk through the door.

Bucky stepped forward, "Nell!"

He was about to run over to me but I waved him off, "I'm fine. Sam needs us now." I panted as I pushed off the wall. "Go, I'll be right there."

Bucky disappeared and then I dry heaved. I've used my shadows to swallow explosions, block bullets, take hits and it hurt... every time. I could feel all those blows personally but never has anyone cut right through them before. I wanted to vomit. Once I thought I regained my bearings enough to stand upright, I turned to Zemo, hearing him move.

I didn't expect him to be right next to me since he was cuffed to a pipe, but he was. Before I realized what was happening, he smashed a metal rod into the side of my head and everything went black.

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