Chapter 1

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"Where are we going?" Nightkit mewed to her mother, Blackpelt.

Blackpelt chuckled through Nightkit while carrying her. "We're going on an adventure."

"Yay, an adventure!" Nightkit squealed in excitement.

"Yes, an adventure." 

Blackpelt padded out of Windclan camp, hopping over rocks and stones that Nightkit wouldn't have been able to climb over if she were on all her paws. It seemed to take forever till they stopped. 

Nightkit looked around, it didn't look like the forest at all. There was a very strange black path in front of them that smelled very odd. Blackpelt crouched as the ground rumbled. Even when she wasn't on the ground, Nightkit shivered as a big looking monster past them on the black path.

"That was a monster, and this is the Thunderpath. You should never cross it without a warrior to accompany you." Blackpelt dashed across the Thunderpath just before another monster roared to life and passed them.

"That was close." Nightkit shivered again.

Blackpelt set Nightkit down on the forest floor. "This is Shadowclan territory. It's your new home."

Blackpelt ran back across the Thunderpath, leaving dust in her tracks.

"Wait!" Nightkit screamed at the top of her lungs for her mother, but it was too late. Her mother was already across the Thunderpath and was out of vision. "Come back!"

Tears streamed down Nightkit's face as she realized something. She had been abandoned. 

Nightpelt's TraumaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum