Golden just sighed. "I was just getting this little one out for you."

Nightkit blinked in surprise. It was a lie, but a good one. Nightkit trembled. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know this was your territory."

The cat laughed. A deep laugh that shook Nightkit to her core. "Little kit, you shouldn't have spoken. You made it very obvious that Golden just lied."

Golden frowned, unsheathing her claws. "We were just leaving, and we weren't here for long."

The other cat unsheathed his claws. He started to circle Nightkit and Golden. His pelt stood on end. 

"Golden, you made a huge mistake coming here," the cat growled. 

Nightkit unsheathed her claws. She let out a low hiss. She'd only just met Golden, but she had been saved by her. Her paws felt shaky, but she refused to back down. No one should threaten Golden. No one.

Golden let her teeth show, hissing. "You shouldn't do that, Stone."

Nightkit blinked. Stone? What kind of name was that?

"Give me one reason why." Stone continued to circle them. He started to close in, his sage eyes glinting in the light.

Boulder pounced on Golden. Nightkit didn't know anything to do other than fight. She bit into Boulder's tail. He yowled in pain and jumped off of Golden. He went for Nightkit next.

Boulder was too quick. Nightkit tried to dodge, but before she knew it, Boulder had his claws in her pelt. Nightkit whimpered, but refused to yowl. She wouldn't give this rogue the satisfaction of that.

Golden bit into Boulder's hind leg, so he had no choice but to get off of Nightkit. Nightkit could see the blood on her and Golden's pelts, wondering if it was all theirs.

Boulder stared daggers at them, but ended up sitting down. He sheathed his claws and started to lick his paws. 

"Well?" Nightkit asked.

"This is our sign to run." Golden's voice echoed in Nighkit's ear.

Run, why? This rogue threatened Golden. He can't just get away with that.

Boulder unsheathed his claws again. He stood up and started to circle around Nightkit and Golden again. Nightkit remembered that Boulder didn't like being bit on the tail, and kept it fresh in her mind. Just it case she needed it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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