Chapter 4

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Nightkit woke up in some kind of place that smelled like hay. She jumped up, a million questions circulating her mind.

"Where am I?" she asked out loud.

A voice answered her question. "You're at the barn, of course."

Nightkit turned to see who was speaking. There was an older, golden colored cat on a crate, licking blood on her paws.

"Your wounds were very bad, it's a miracle you survived." The cat kept licking her paws.

Nightkit looked back at her wounds. They were covered with leaves and some kind of spiderweb.

"Who are you?" she questioned.

The cat stopped licking her paws and looked at Nightkit. "I'm Golden. Who are you?"

Nightkit backed up. Golden was a rogue. She didn't have a normal clan name. "I-I'm Nightkit." Her voice trembled.

"Oh, you're a clan kit. Please Starclan, tell me I didn't kitnap a clan kit." Golden closed her eyes.

Nightkit hesitated. "Ummm, I don't think Windclan wants me anymore."

Golden opened up her eyes. The light shined into them, and now Nightkit could see that they were amber. "Oh, thank Starclan. I don't need a clan after me."

Nightkit blinked in surprise. "Wait, so you didn't want to kitnap a clan cat?"

"Oh, for Starclan's sake no, I didn't." 

"Wait, I thought rogues didn't believe in Starclan. I thought that was only a clan thing."

Golden approached Nightkit, sitting down beside her. "I used to be apart of a clan, so welcome to the club of former clan cats."

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