Chapter 2

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Nightkit wandered around, searching for anyone that would help her. She didn't know what to do, where to go, or even what to think. It's not every day a kit gets abandoned by their mother.

"Hey, why are you in our territory." A pair of paws knocked her to the ground.

Nightkit squirmed around, trying to get out of whoever's paws these were. She got pushed around to face the attacker. The attacker was a ginger colored she-cat, she couldn't be a warriors yet though, but kits weren't allowed outside of camp without permission from a warrior.

"Relax, it's just a kit," another voice spoke, softly.

"Sorry," the attacker mumbled, getting off of Nightkit.

Nightkit hopped to her paws, backing up. There was a strange older tom cat with a very twisted tail that was coming nearer.

"Don't be scared, little one," he spoke. "We won't hurt you."

The ginger cat rolled her eyes before approaching. "My name's Oakkit, and we're here to help you. It seems you're a Windclan kit judging by your scent. Is that correct?"

Nightkit nodded. "But they don't want me, they abandoned me." She hung her head in shame.

The tom with the twisted tail spoke next. "That's against the warrior code if they didn't have a reason, so they must've had a reason." He let out a low growl. "She was exiled. Oakkit, show her what we do to invaders."

"Of course." Oakkit crouched to the ground, ready to spring.

Nightkit turned around and ran as fast as she could. Her mind was focused on one thing. Surviving.

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