Chapter 3

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Claws tore into Nightkit's shoulder, knocking her to the ground. Blood started to show from her wound. Teeth then bit into her hind leg, making her yelp.

"I'm leaving, let me go," Nightkit cried.

"I guess you can't fight back, weakling." Applepaw stood up. "Scram, Mousedung!"

Nightkit scrambled up to her paws. She made sure to keep a lot of pressure off of her hind leg. Nightkit ran off, passing birds, mice, and lots of trees. She didn't care. 

Eventually, she came to the Thunderpath. The ground rumbled as a monster rushed across it. Nightkit ran across just as the monster got out of view. Another monster roared past her after she crossed.

A shiver went up her spine as she walked around. Nightkit still had Windclan scent, so her clan would probably not attack her. Still, she coached down whenever she saw any movement. It was never a cat though. It was always just a rabbit or group of grass.

That's when Nightkit smelled an odd scent. She should've run. She should've fought. But instead, she froze in place, not daring to move.

"Oh, my Starclan. You're bleeding all over. Here, I'll get you cleaned up."

Some cat's teeth picked Nightkit up by her scruff. Nightkit didn't speak. She wanted to scream. To yell for help, but she was frozen in fear. The cat carrying her started to walk away with her. Nightkit couldn't see the cat, and she fainted right there, in the cat's grip.

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