22 - Home with you (Ivory)

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"We are home."  I smile up at Dante while simultaneously rubbing my hand gently across my stomach.

Dante's eyes fall from mine to my hand placement and back up again for more times than I can count before a string of Italian comes rushing out of his mouth.

Nick abruptly stops the car jolting us all forward.

"You...your.... We-
Dante stutters while I grasp hold of his hand and place it on top of where mine is currently.

"We are having a baby."  I state as I look firstly at my husband and secondly at Nick who looks as if he has just been told the entire world has just exploded.

"I..I'm a dad?"  Dante questions with an unexplainable expression running across his face.

"Yes."  I whisper as I fear that my husband doesn't want to be a father.

"Ivory that's fucking incredible."  He smiles before pulling my face to his so he can plant a series of kiss to my lips.

And from this very moment.  I fell in love with him - once again - deeply: he was both a ruthless savage and a gorgeous gentleman who would do anything to put a smile on my face.  The balance made me feel safe, and alive.

And now this man is going to be the best father to our little boy or girl.  I cannot wait to experience parenthood with my soulmate.

"Just don't call him daddy."  Nick jokes as he puts the car in drive mode once again and slowly begins to drive forward.

We all burst out into laughter as he continue the long drive back home and during this time I never once take my eyes of the man sitting right next to me with his hand placed gently on where our baby is slowly growing into our little bundle of love.

Dante's fingers stroke across my stomach in soothing motions as he mutters sweet nothings against the crown of my head while planting kisses between his words.

I rest my head against his chest, smiling down at our intertwined fingers lying beautifully across my stomach.

"You have arrived at your destination love birds." Nick calls out with a look of both adoration and annoyance spreading across his tired features.

"Thank you Nick." I smile.

"My pleasure Ivory." He responds while picking up his phone to send a quick message to the love of his life.

"Have a great time with Zoe." Dante calls out suddenly as he slaps Nick across his chest while clambering out of the car.

I giggle softly at Nicks face as I too carefully exist the vehicle, still feeling nothing but pain in my stomach and back.

"Ivory." Nick calls out to me.

"Yes sweetie." I respond as I take his free hand in my own.

"Thank you for making Dante, Dante again." He smiles softly while he plucks my hand out of his and ushers me towards the house where Dante stands solitary.

I smile back and close the car door, waiting on the pavement for him to drive away to see Zoe.

As soon as the Audi leaves my sight,  I turn on heels and immediately see Dante standing with his arms wide open at our front door.

I gasp out a breath filled with love as I start to run towards him with my arms open out ready to wrap as far around him as I can.

As soon as we meet,  Dante spins me around in his arms while kissing me again with everything he has.  I squeal in delight at the luxurious feeling  I have in my chest,  and kiss him back just as hard.

Once my feet finally reach the ground,  Dante grasps onto my hand and pulls me towards the kitchen.

"Cupcakes?"  He asks,  reminding me that I once promised him to teach him how to make them.

"Most definitely."  I whisper as he places me on the counter top while searching for the ingredients.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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