Moving On

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Hello friends

Welcome to the new chapter


First meet of Pragya  and King

Engagement of Abhishek and Tanu

Character assassination of Pragya

Now let's  go

Luthra villa

After a week of  first meeting of King and Pragya  in Rishabh'  s office, Pragya decided to  go through some contract papers,  law books  I order to restart her journey.

One fine morning  , after  breakfast  when  all off them were ready to go for their respective works,  Bani says:
Mahesh call the Singhs  for a family  dinner tonight ,  as  I  want  them  to  meet  my eldest grand daughter.

Mahesh : OK Maa, so everyone  will come back home , early today .

Then Pragya announces that she has decided to  set up her law firm once again.All are very  happy  with her decision and support  her.

Pragya : Paa  and Rishi  I  need  your help to  do this.

Both : What help Pragya/ Di.

Pragya: I need some  of your old deals and contract papers  in order to study them together  with  law  books  for practice  .

Rishi : OK di  I'm  going to office  you can ask  Dad about those a they are all kept in  the office  room .

Mahesh: Yes beta let's  move to office and  then we can both discuss over them .

After that  everyone  moves to their  work place.


After coming out  from   office room , Pragya sees Rakhi instructing the servants to arrange everything  properly .
Seeing her moving to kitchen,  she goes behind her  to help in cooking .
Both the mother and daughter cook  while  talking to  each other.

After that Pragya asks : Rakhi Maa  who are the Singhs?

Rakhi: Beta they are the family  of Rishabh' s best friend  King Singh.

Pragya: OK Maa, Now quickly  get over the cooking,  because I need to  dress up  properly  to match your personality  , even though  it's impossible.

Rakhi :  Chup besharam.

8:00 PM

As the  time passes,  the Singh family enter along with King Singh. They first congratulate and give blessings  to  Rishabh and Preeta  for the good news.

By the time they are  introduced to Pragya,  Rakhi sends one of the  butlers to get some refreshment  for  them.

Later on both Tarun and  Tanvi  go with Sameer and Ruchika  respectively to their rooms .
Rishabh is also seen handling  preeta' s tantrums on food and medicines.

Pragya comes out of her thoughts  when somebody  calls her name,

Mahesh : Where are you  lost Beta?

Pragya: Paa  I  was thinking  from where to setup by law firm  again

Kishore: Beta why don't you  work as a legal advisor for the  Singhs  empire,  as we need one.

Pragya: Uncle  I am ready but I will join only when your son the current  CEO of Singh empire  will accept  me ,because  I don't want  to  create dispute  in personal  and professional life.

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