Truth revelation

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Hello friends

Welcome to the new chapter

RECAP:  Pragya  as a legal advisor for Singhs
Friendship between them
King knows pragya' s past

Here we go


After few days, when both King and Pragya  are  coming back from office  , their way  is blocked  by some masked people.
They have guns with them ,  and are shouting for them to come  out .

Pragya gets afraid of  them  and holds King' s hand tightly as he was ready to go infront of them.


King: Pragya nothing will happen  let me handle this.
Pragya: Are you  mad how will you handle them alone and they even have weapons.

Both are arguing  inside , which  makes the masked gunmen  angry .

They were coming to drag both of them out , in  which the successfully  dragged King . Now when they went to  pull out Pragya  they are interrupted  by a gunshot.

They turn towards the direction of  gun shot and see a young man around  25 years coming , to them.
Later on both King and the unknown man together   handle the goons and send them off  with police .

By the time everything  was over it started to rain ,an then Pragya' s attention  is caught by the blood flowing from the arm of the young man.

So both King and Pragya  asks him to come with them as it is raining and lack of treatment  may lead to infection. The  man initially  denies but eventually  accepts  to come with  them.

Within ten minutes  they reach the Luthra villa and see the family waiting for  them worriedlywhich includes both Luthras and Singhs.

On entering 
Pragya says : We will explain every thing  later, Preeta
  first you do bandage of this  man as he got cut by a knife.

Preeta quickly  does his first aid  and gives  him  a quick tetanus  shot.
Now Mahesh : Now it is done so let us know  everything.

King: Uncle  while  returning from  office,  on the  road  near the cliff our way was blocked by some masked gunmen 

Others ( except  Pragya and Unknown person): What. How , where

Irritated  with the  continuous questions
Pragya: Shut up  everyone and now no one  will speak till I complete  everything.
Others : OK

Pragya: After that they asked  us to come out and handover  our cash , jewellery etc.
When we did not get out ,rather started arguing  who will  get out .

King : This  increased their rage and then they started  to  drag me and when they were about to drag Pragya........

Pragya: Then out of nowhere  this young man came to sand helped us. Later both  fought with the goons and handed them to police .

After sometimes  everyone asks the man about himself

Unknown person: I am Pratik Raisinghania the CEO of PR industries.

After sometimes  Pratik  sees the picture of  Raghuveer  Arora    on the wall, he asks to Mahesh

Pratik: Uncle  who is that man to you all.

Mahesh : Beta he  is Raghuveer Arora,  late father of Pragya and Preeta. He was a family  friend and late husband of  Sarla Arora.

Pratik  gets shocked listening the name Pragya and  says
: How is it possible,  my family is already dead.

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